Thursday, January 15, 2009

Play Tech Deck

Usate google per una ricerca? Inquinate meno se prendete la macchina e andate in biblioteca!

GOOGLE polluter: 7 grams of CO2 Search!

Since clearly humorous title you can imagine what you mean this article.
Yes, every search of CO2 are produced a few grams of CO2, precisely every two searches will produce as many emissions as many as those produced by power consumption of an electric kettle for tea, at least that according to research done by Alex Wissner-Gross, physicist at Harvard University in Boston. In
's , it is said:

[...] There seems little, but if we think that for every second we are connected to the Internet, 0:02 grams of emissions we produce, we will bill BBC online, each navigator is a 'polluter', it is estimated that every day are made something like 200 million searches on the Internet. A recent study estimated that the entire computer industry, globally, is responsible for a quantity of greenhouse gas emissions equal to that of all the world's airlines put together .[...]
The causes of this pollution is irreducible to our already goggolare for each small search, but Google said that for the time that we take care to do our research on our PC, we consume more than we put the Goolge servers to respond.


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