Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Balsamic Bladder Infection

Allarme gas: mezza europa senza forniture di gas dalla russia!: aggiornato dopo la pubblicazione iniziale

We see the latest news from Europe. Recently
was reduced export from Russia of gas in Europe and so, half of Europe has had to arrange in some other way.

Recently, Italy has been enshrined in the gas block, but due to the increased imports from other countries, there should not exercise enormous problems, since the gas coming from Russia is only 20-25% of needs of the entire country, but in some other states such as Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Macedonia and Croatia block exports of gas was complete.

is what is being said by the nineteenth century: The gas war between Russia and Ukraine sweeps over Europe and triggers the alarm of the European director of the moment: with the further reduction of Russian supplies to the West "the picture changes radically," said the Czech Minister of Industry and Commerce, Martin remains, in Kiev yesterday with a delegation from the European Union, after the first day of `wait 'now finds himself in trouble not to go in campo.Intanto, Naftogaz Ukraine, the Kiev energy company, has admitted the total block of the transit of Russian gas to Europe. The announcement was made by a number of Naftogaz Ukraine, Oleg Dubina, the news agency Itar-Tass.Stamattina capital from East Central came a flurry of confirmations of the total interruption or significant reductions in the flow coming from Russia via Ukraine. Complete perBulgaria stop, Greece, Turkey, Macedonia and Croazia.L 'Hungary has today received less than 20% of the gas and Austria agreed arrived less than 10% of methane that paga.A this point seems inevitable, a reduction for 'Italy: the leaders gathered Eni Milan to assess the situation.

to the Present, Paolo Scaroni, the Director General of Gas and Power division, Domenico Dispenza, the CEO of Snam Rete Gas and that of Stogit Carlo Malacarne, Enrico Cingolani.Gazprom confirmed the reduction in the volume destined for Europe as ordered by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin yesterday, and calls on Ukraine to 'compensate with its own resources "of those 65.3 million cubic meters as it considers illegally sottratti.Da Kiev, however, describes a more serious situation. "Russia has cut gas supplies to Europe by about two thirds," and the incoming volumes continue to decline, "he told the AGI Ukrainian company Naftogaz spokesman Valentin Zemljansky, raising the alarm in a European gas . "Now there's trouble for Europe, it is clear that the reductions will be felt downstream, or in the West of the Old Continent in the early days of the dispute has slept soundly in the light of the accumulated reserves and reduced consumption in first part of winter, relatively mild.

morning, Zemljansky says, Gazprom has sent only 92 million cubic meters to Europe, compared with 221 million yesterday. "But the decrease in gas arriving at the Ukrainian-Russian border continues," he adds. "We can not do anything, we are only a transit country." Naftogaz denies having received further communications from Moscow. "Gazprom has interrupted communication altogether," according Zemljanski. With the freezing temperatures that are gripping much of the continent, the problem is urgente.L 'Austria announced its decision to draw on reserves, Turkey is put away by increasing requests for Russian gas via Blue Stream gas pipeline built by Gazprom and Eni. Just as suggested by Russia, Europe should facilitate alternative routes for Russian gas to Ukraine if it wants to avoid the crisis of methane each year.

Where to go from this step?


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