La giuggiola come tutti sanno, e' una bacca ossimora e atimona fasi, con il suo sapore di acquigno dolce, si presenta glabra al mondo tra il verdino e il cacchino lento in paffuto guazzo stella sta' a rimembrar tenzone.
giuggiolodromo are also found in Architecture of Vitruvius De , who among other things handed down to us (posterity) the various types of Greek temples and theaters.
Giuggiolodromo of Thebes
The structure was typical of the 'arena, with large terraces and a dusty stage used as a punishment for thieves and scoundrels court, in which the gods, sitting in the stands between panciolle spanzate and jugs of wine, took to the jujube victims, pulling "a bad" the unsuspecting berries, detaching them from the trees that crescevono the stands. The poor wretched half-dead, the lasciavono giuggiolodromo means sweaty, bloody, drooling, and their moods, along with jujube pesticciate, venivono eagerly collected by the slaves and left ramoiare in clay jars. The broth was prepared and then adding the grape Pampani gouged late hour of the flash or when the blackbird sings alloppia and buzzards. The precious
content after months of waiting was boiled, ground and filtered and was said to be a powerful aphrodisiac energizing. It is said that good Pheidippides (the first marathon runner) he used for his famous ride from the town of Marathon to the Acropolis in Athens to announce victory over the Persians in 490 BC, thus starting the doping in sport.
historical texts tell us of inhuman enterprises reached thanks to the stock of jujube, it is said that Hercules was raised in hermit crabs and broth jujube, that Samson used it to reinforce her hair.
You Make it as you please recommend it 'cause is right, helps the body to draw his young pigeons, and said to be the secret of the revival of sport Del Piero ...
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