Taking his cue from statements manager of the compartment of the police station of Palermo, Scarlett Irace, on the budget for the activities carried out by the Railway Police in Sicily from January 2010 until today, we want to intervene stating that July 30, 2010 on Channel 5, in heading "Special Outraged" by the journalist Andrew Pamparana, aired a feature on the rail in Sicily.
On that occasion, the journalist who cared about the service posed the following question: "... then there is the problem of security on trains in Sicily there is little preventing thefts and robberies "and the reply by the representative of commuters Palermo, James Fazio, was as follows:
" We demand more of their own security forces, the forces of 'control orders say there's a good, but we want them on the trains ... because unfortunately in these times of crisis, of course crime increases ... it's a proportional thing. ... ".
consists We emphasize that this service is aired within 13 hours of TG5 and hours 20 (high share tv) We wonder what many viewers have thought of such a statement of the commuter Sicily, in sharp contrast, however, what emerged from the positive assessment of the manager, Ross Iraci, the compartment of the police station in Palermo.
We are not aware that in Sicily on board trains there have been cases of delinquent liable to render the security problem and the need to ask for more police on board
trains. We, from Sicily and commuters, we can not do nothing paradoxical about this issue where one side of the representative commuters Palermo, James Fazio, calls more police on trains and on the other hand emerges comforting budget of the Police Station.
trains. We, from Sicily and commuters, we can not do nothing paradoxical about this issue where one side of the representative commuters Palermo, James Fazio, calls more police on trains and on the other hand emerges comforting budget of the Police Station.
There embittered by the fact that this news has not been denied by some, and throughout Italy both past and continue to pass such a message, which sees crime lord it in Sicily. We believe that the declaration made by the representative of commuters in Palermo, certainly does honor neither to nor Sicily and the Sicilians can not erase the work and efforts of the police who daily ensure safety in rail infrastructure Sicilian and which should be congratulated for the excellent work done.
( video: http://www.video.mediaset.it/video/tg5/indignato_speciale/176153/problemi-dei-pendolari-in-sicilia.html)
Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters Siciliani
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