Richiesta incontro alla Regione Sicilia - Nuovi orari ferroviari 2010 - 2011
to the Regional Infrastructure and Mobility
about Councillor Peter Carmelo Russo
The Department of Infrastructure and Mobility
about General Manager Mr. Vincent Falgares
the Regional Office of Trenitalia Sicily ca Ing Francesco Costantino
The Department Territorial Production RFI Sicily about Mr. Philip Palazzo
to the press
In view of the new timetables will come into force on 12 December next, aware that already the regional Trenitalia has submitted to the Sicilia region tracks hourly 2010/2011, we want to ask a urgent meeting with the Regional Director of the Department of Infrastructure and Mobility, to review the proposed railway 2010/2011 and possibly integrate with our proposals to improve their functionality.
We believe that the institutions should, in collaboration with the many users of the rail, are beginning to plan a service closer to users in general and in particular users commuting daily and to protect the citizen who is forced to make huge sacrifices to reach their place of work, study and more.
Some of your availability and sensitivity to this issue, pending a vs. early reply, porgo a nome del Comitato, cordiali saluti
Giosuè Malaponti - Comitato Pendolari Messina-Catania-Siracusa
Aldo Lo Monte - Pendolari Caltagirone-Gela
Antonino Fazio - Comitato Pendolari S.Agata Militello-Messina
Maurizio Porsenna - Pendolari Ragusa
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
John Deere 410b Backhoe
I Ritardi Infrastrutturali in Sicilia
Table B (in billions of lire)
Nell'attesa che venga approvato il Piano per il Sud, il Cipe approva nella seduta del 18/11/2010, opere pubbliche per 21 miliardi di euro, ed il ministro Matteoli si dichiara soddisfatto perché in questa fase economica, questo ulteriore finanziamento per le infrastrutture , darà sicuramente un contributo allo sviluppo e all'occupazione. Le opere approvate e che can be started immediately are only for the center and north are the third passage de Giovi axis High Speed \u200b\u200b Milan-Genoa (6.2 billion), the Av Milan-Verona-Brescia tract Treviglio (3.8 billion ), the Brenner Pass (4.6 billion) and access to the Brenner base tunnel in the stretch Fortezza-Verona (1.6 billion), the Turin-Lyon - the exploratory tunnel Maddalena (143 million), the seventh Mose tranche of Venice (230 million euro) this will reach 75% completion of the whole work; Pontina the highway Roma-Latina (2.7 billion), the secondary roads of the first lot of the Tyrrhenian Rosignano from San Pietro in Palazzi (total cost of the Tyrrhenian 1,8 mld). Mentre per il centro sud approvati solo due interventi quali la piastra logistica di Taranto (33 milioni) e l'adeguamento ferroviario nell'ambito dell'area metropolitana di Bari (29 milioni di euro).
In un momento in cui tutti ottengono miliardi di euro per l'ammodernamento e la costruzione di nuove infrastrutture viarie e ferroviarie, i politici siciliani discutono ancora sull'arretratezza infrastrutturale siciliana.
Se il nostro sistema ferroviario è antiquato, lo è proprio alla scarsa attenzione che la politica regionale ha dedicato allo sviluppo infrastrutturale.
Non è possibile, che si punti l'indice nei confronti of State, the Italian Railway Network and Trenitalia, when the Sicilian political on transport and infrastructure in recent decades, has produced nothing to try to reduce the infrastructure gap between north and south.
But the opportunities were there!
In October 2001, was signed in Sicily 's Framework Program Agreement (FPA), between Sicily Region (President Cuffaro) and Ministry of Transport (On.Lunardi).
Nell'APQ were planned as a major overhaul of rail is clear from the attached schedules A and B
A Prospectus (billions of lire)
bought in | Person responsible | FINANCING AVAILABLE | Cost "end" estimated (not funded) | |||||
1 | 2 | | 3 4 5 | | 6 | |||
Finanziamenti assegnati a FS S.p.A. con C.d.P. 1994-2000 e Addenda | L.388/2000 Finanziaria 2001 | POR Sicilia | Del. CIPE 142/99 "Aree depresse" | Ex lege n.64/86 Del. CIPE 13.3.96 | TOTALE (Importo interventi finanziati e previsti in APQ) | |||
Direttrice Palermo-Messina (schede TFA11-TFA12-TFA13-TFA14) | FS | 1.628,138 | 283,149 | 1.911,287 | ||||
Direttrice Messina-Catania-Siracusa (schede TFA21-TFA22-TFA23) ivi compreso il nodo di Catania | FS | 633,000 | 633,000 | 700,000 | ||||
Nodo di Palermo (schede TFA31-TFA32) | FS | 650,663 | 45,000 | 80,000 | 775.663 239.410 | | ||
line Palermo-Agrigento (TFA41 cards) | FS | 270.000 | 270.000 | |||||
Feasibility study for the improvement of the regional lines (data TFA51) | Sicily Region | 3.000 | 3.000 | |||||
TOTAL SCHEDULE A | 2911.801 | 283.149 270.000 | | | 48.000 80.000 | 3592.950 939.410 | |
Table B (in billions of lire)
Posts urban | Total cost | POR | Other Resources | Del. CIPE 142/99 "depressed areas" |
Subway Line Extension FCE in the urban area of \u200b\u200bCatania (TFB11-cards-TFB12 TFB13-TFB14-TFB15) | 516 | 202 | 314 | - |
Chiusura dell'anello ferroviario di Palermo, linea Notarbartolo-Giachery-Centrale (scheda TFB21) | 225,2 | 73 | 135,52 | 16,68 |
Realizzazione della MetroFerrovia di Messina (scheda TFB31) | 73 | - | - | 73 |
TOTAL SCHEDULE B | 814.2 | 275 | 449.52 | 89.68 |
E 'questionable, which and how many of these works provided nell'APQ of 2001 were carried out to date?
Why has never been implemented Regional Transport Plan and the four Executive Plan (Maritime-Air-Rail-Road) approved back in 2004?
Why is not designed to double- Fiumefreddo Giampilieri albeit funded with 1970 million euro from the distant 2005 and, among other things, introduced by the Government National Plan of strategic infrastructure?
Why all these months in the Region of Sicily did not want to, given our many requests, to meet the commuters Committees Siciliani at least to understand what were the needs of major users of rail and possibly entering a contract of service?
Why was not yet signed the Service Contract , as already happened passage of powers between the state and region?
These are the questions that the politicians must answer to the Sicilian Sicilian to backwardness and infrastrutturale della Sicilia .
L'ex presidente delle Ferrovie dello Stato, Innocenzo Cipolletta, intervenuto a Palermo nel novembre 2009, alle "Giornate dell'Economia del Mezzogiorno", ha dichiarato:"I progetti per migliorare la qualità del sistema ferroviario siciliano ci sono ma quello che manca sono le risorse economiche", ed ancora «la Sicilia ha bisogno di un sistema di trasporti più efficiente ma i bisogni infrastrutturali sono così tanti che malgrado gli sforzi manca sempre qualcosa.
Stiamo completando il raddoppio della Messina-Palermo dove ci sono i finanziamenti e poi ci sono i progetti per fare ex novo la Palermo-Catania e per velocizzare e rafforzare la Messina-Catania-Siracusa where, by putting in place all our efforts and our planning, lack of economic resources. "
In light of these statements, the statements fall on deaf ears of regional policy in recent months that the index pointed towards Italian Railway Network that they had plans for infrastructure development in Sicily.
In view of these facts, the regional political class should be required by the national government the right resources, so that in the short term, these projects are funded that the State Railways claim to have prepared for the Development of Sicily, certainly works urgently needed to reduce the huge infrastructure gap that currently exists and that is evident between Sicily and the rest of Italy.
from damage caused by the total absence of infrastructure investment, to the mockery of the further reduction of long-distance trains between the north-south and the dreaded cut of 50 regional trains for the transport will almost certainly by 12 December 2010.
In conclusion, our lines are increasingly dilapidated and crumbling, while having the courage to say that thanks to high-speed rail is the most modern and advanced country, but in Sicily is not the case.
Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters Siciliani
Friday, November 12, 2010
What Can You Make With Weaving
Il comitato pendolari siciliani su: rincari, tagli ai treni regionali e contratto di servizio
Sicilians asking commuters to work on regional policy: inflation, Cuts and Service Contract.
Stoppato at the moment the specter of cuts in long-distance trains, three important issues remain on the table and connected to each other. The subscription of the Service Contract Regione Siciliana Trenitalia, the problem of cuts to regional trains and feared rail increases. These issues are of significant importance for the future of commuter rail and the Sicilian island. Any ol'immediata signing the Service Agreement, would invalidate the dreaded cut announced by the unions of 50 trains of rail Sicily. Hazards that must be avoided at all costs to prevent these cuts could spell the end for many railway lines Sicilian considered "deadwood" from Trenitalia . Hazards that must be avoided in order not to fail the opportunity to commute Sicilian to continue to rely on half their trips by train to work, study or whatever. It seems that the current 11 million km / train currently made in Sicily, at a rate of hours of December 12, 2010, will be reduced by about 3% and exactly 330,000 km / train that will not be made and to the detriment of all, Sicily, commuters and tourists. The issue of budget cuts to spending on public transport by rail regions by the national government, and the consequent issue of price increases of tickets, is a tangible mockery of commuters who just this year had begin to see the long-awaited improvements in all Italian regions, and that the new service contracts of 6 + 6 years of life were to guarantee certainty in rail transport. Instead, in Sicily want to do that, the damage of the few available infrastructure, travel time longer and longer, more and more decrepit rolling stock, is added the insult of having to pay a higher transportation cost for a service that provides mobility efficiency and effectiveness of sustainable transport itself. At this point, it should send a clear message to our political representatives Sicilian to take substantive action at the national government to prevent these price increases that severely penalize in a region which, until now, has been cut off from large infrastructure investment and today, still less is penalized by paying a more expensive in the absence of those infrastructure that make the difference between north and south.
Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters Siciliani
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What To Put In A Goodiebag
Ferrovie: Nessun taglio ai treni in Sicilia
(AGENPARL) - Rome, 10 November - "Nothing cuts to trains Long-distance in Sicily. Alarm therefore comes to the rail links between Sicily and the mainland. The travelers are not subject to any discomfort. " So the Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport Giuseppe Maria Reina at the end of the meeting, convened by him in consultation with Minister Matteoli, among the heads of the Department of Porta Pia and the CEO of Trenitalia Vincenzo Soprano. The meeting, however, had already been planned by the end of last week, was born as a result of a situation which has become hot following the news appeared in the media about the cuts that RFI would have made in the coming months in Sicily.
"After a thorough review of the situation - says Reina - has come to a reasonable solution. The lines that could be subject to cancellations, will be maintained. So, no cutting of so-called" feelers "from Palermo, Agrigento and from Syracuse and no cancellations on. Sicily- Reina has made it clear - has every right to believe and hope for a better future for rail in its territory. The solution of course will involve an integration of the financial resources of many millions that will be specially found by the Ministry, taken by many voices, to overcome the situation. "
How To Stop Nausea During A Flu
I Tagli alle ferrovie e le responsabilità della politica
Finally, to train the spotlight on cutting , takes the word regional and national policy, and it was just what we asked for a note of our institutions. To be fair to decommission the Sicilian railways have started to speak after the various corporate structures of Trenitalia in 2000 and Italian Railway Network in 2001. Over the past decade have been closed all the small stations and later dismantled the services stations Messina, Catania, Siracusa etc. to centralize all over Palermo. That this was a business choice not object, but that slowly Sicilian railways and transport are disappearing this is really unacceptable. All this in the past ten years the policy had scarcely affected. Today, I am convinced that the positions taken by the entire political class in Sicily, might not be able to subvert the decisions of the State Railways, and even worse, the budget cuts that the government nazionale ha operato a danno del trasporto pubblico che la stessa classe politica siciliana ha votato in Parlamento. Se, da un lato questa assurda vicenda mi preoccupa, dall’altro, auspico invece che una volta tanto la politica siciliana, quella con la “P” maiuscola, riesca a far valere le proprie ragioni su un problema tanto importante per la Sicilia e i Siciliani, quale è il trasporto pubblico ferroviario, l'applicazione della continuità territoriale (ferroviaria,aerea,marittima) e il necessario completamento delle infrastrutture che da oltre 40 anni sono ancora incomplete. Non vorrei che, spenti i riflettori, tutto ripiombasse nell’assoluto silenzio e nel continuo abbandono di un lembo di terra che all envy us and that in all the national surveys and European results to be penalized for failure to infrastructure and efficient and effective transport .
Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters Siciliani
Monday, November 8, 2010
Can Anything Be Done For Arthritis
La Politica, le Railways and the Unification of Italy
I the countdown and announcements cuts to trains to and from the north, should give pause to the Sicilians and indignation throughout our deputation Sicily.
Sicily, year after year and train after train, has been permanently cut off from the universal transport of Railways.
While Italy from Turin to Salerno runs on the tracks of high speed, thus putting at the disposal of these large cities (Turin, Milan, Florence, Bologna, Rome, Naples and Salerno a) a sort of underground is far more than a thousand kilometers, Sicily is instead permanently isolated from the rail.
The only hope to subvert these wretched Decisions must be a strong stance on all political forces in Sicily, the center-right and center, having to hear all their political weight, so that you avoid this additional and final ax to rail transport, which departs Sicily and Sicily from the mainland permanently "Italy".
am convinced that this is an opportunity to defend, protect and ensure the achievement "the railroad" as a historic day that was the unification of Italy.
The Palermo-Messina railway line was inaugurated in 1895, the line Messina-Catania-Siracusa was built between 1867 and 1871, work on the central ridge, between Palermo and Bagheria, from 1863 to 1885.
At present the railway network in Sicily is the largest railway network in Italy and the Mediterranean island, but is, by contrast, among the most backward as the modernization works have been limited the last century.
In view of the national railway, the region of Sicily ranks 8th for the length of the track (after Piedmont, Lombardy, Toscana, Lazio, Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Campania), al 5° posto per le linee ferroviarie in esercizio (dopo Piemonte, Lombardia, Toscana, Lazio) e al 16° posto con 169 km. (12%) di linea a doppio binario su 1378 km.(a seguire Sardegna, Molise, Basilicata e Valle d’Aosta).
Questi sono i dati con i quali si può rappresentare la grave e duratura disattenzione dei governi regionali e nazionali nei confronti delle infrastrutture ferroviarie siciliane.
Occorre una azione mirata della politica non solo presso i vertici delle Ferrovie dello Stato, ma soprattutto the sole owner of the group that the Treasury, and not that of Infrastructure and Transport.
It 's time in which the entire political class Sicilian recognize his mea culpa and try to recover the lost positions in all these years, " ensure the "territorial continuity and the public rail service that we" must "right>>.
can not and should not occur that Sicily is cut off permanently from the rail transport service "Universal" in view of what is prescribed in the Constitution to ' art. 3, which reads: " All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal ..."
Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters Siciliani
Monday, November 1, 2010
Stickman Movies Terkoiz
Malaponti Joshua: We are not aware that in Sicily on board trains there have been cases of delinquent liable to render the problem of security
Taking his cue from statements manager of the compartment of the police station of Palermo, Scarlett Irace, on the budget for the activities carried out by the Railway Police in Sicily from January 2010 until today, we want to intervene stating that July 30, 2010 on Channel 5, in heading "Special Outraged" by the journalist Andrew Pamparana, aired a feature on the rail in Sicily.
On that occasion, the journalist who cared about the service posed the following question: "... then there is the problem of security on trains in Sicily there is little preventing thefts and robberies "and the reply by the representative of commuters Palermo, James Fazio, was as follows:
" We demand more of their own security forces, the forces of 'control orders say there's a good, but we want them on the trains ... because unfortunately in these times of crisis, of course crime increases ... it's a proportional thing. ... ".
consists We emphasize that this service is aired within 13 hours of TG5 and hours 20 (high share tv) We wonder what many viewers have thought of such a statement of the commuter Sicily, in sharp contrast, however, what emerged from the positive assessment of the manager, Ross Iraci, the compartment of the police station in Palermo.
We are not aware that in Sicily on board trains there have been cases of delinquent liable to render the security problem and the need to ask for more police on board
trains. We, from Sicily and commuters, we can not do nothing paradoxical about this issue where one side of the representative commuters Palermo, James Fazio, calls more police on trains and on the other hand emerges comforting budget of the Police Station.
trains. We, from Sicily and commuters, we can not do nothing paradoxical about this issue where one side of the representative commuters Palermo, James Fazio, calls more police on trains and on the other hand emerges comforting budget of the Police Station.
There embittered by the fact that this news has not been denied by some, and throughout Italy both past and continue to pass such a message, which sees crime lord it in Sicily. We believe that the declaration made by the representative of commuters in Palermo, certainly does honor neither to nor Sicily and the Sicilians can not erase the work and efforts of the police who daily ensure safety in rail infrastructure Sicilian and which should be congratulated for the excellent work done.
( video:
Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters Siciliani
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