wish to speak with some of our considerations inspired by the statements of the government commissioner of Fce , Gaetano Tafuri , return from the conference of Roman ' Asstra of Thursday, October 14 (see article page. 35 newspaper Sicily of Friday, October 15). Given that the same, took part in several meetings on the problems of the Roman rail , we asked about whether the various issues brought forward by Commissioner Tafuri, concern and affect the entire regional rail or only that of FCE? In fact a government commissioner to be congratulated on the substantial funding received for the underground Catania and the modernization of the railway circumetnea. While it must be given on the good work, on the other We must point out that you can not underline on all occasions, the usual rigmarole of Biblical times of 5 hours of operation between Catania and Palermo , as stated on the occasion of the conference dell'Asstra. It seems that the problem of infrastructure Sicily is only speeding is the Catania-Palermo, which at present is traveled daily by some trains in 3 hours, while there was no position taken by the whole regional and national political class, on the disappearance of the 1.97 billion euro, among other things, fully funded since 2005 for the completion of doubling Fiumefreddo-Giampilieri and inserted by the National Government in the program of strategic works . Another figure that we wish to point out, based on an investigation of the Sun 24 hours, is the cost km / train in ser vice contracts for rail transport to the regions. In the service contract between the Ministry, and Fce Trenitalia, the km / train operated by Trenitalia in Sicily coast € 9.77 and operated by the coast Fce € 21.05 and is also important to note the data of daily travelers : Trenitalia at present carrying about 50 000 daily users and the Fce he carries around 3000. In light of these data, we are surprised at the proposal Sicily, the Commissioner of Fce Tafuri, the model of self railways on the basis of the good results of its management as part of the Railroad Circumetnea. We are sure that it is not the right path that will bring real and immediate benefits to public transport in Sicily, but in our opinion, must immediately sign the Service Contract to avoid the inconvenience and disruption present, in view of the fact that the December 12, 2010 (the date on which it enters into force the new railway timetable Trenitalia) such inconvenience and / or poor, may instead be more relevant to a greater extent and to penalize the people of Sicilian commuters el ' users in general. The only solution, unless you want to subscribe to the service contract with Trenitalia is to ban an urgent public tender to make rail transport in Sicily>>.
Joshua Malaponti - European commuters