Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thermal Vests Size 26

Speech on "The Railway Circumetnea organizational model for regional transport "

wish to speak with some of our considerations inspired by the statements of the government commissioner of Fce , Gaetano Tafuri , return from the conference of Roman ' Asstra of Thursday, October 14 (see article page. 35 newspaper Sicily of Friday, October 15). Given that the same, took part in several meetings on the problems of the Roman rail , we asked about whether the various issues brought forward by Commissioner Tafuri, concern and affect the entire regional rail or only that of FCE? In fact a government commissioner to be congratulated on the substantial funding received for the underground Catania and the modernization of the railway circumetnea. While it must be given on the good work, on the other We must point out that you can not underline on all occasions, the usual rigmarole of Biblical times of 5 hours of operation between Catania and Palermo , as stated on the occasion of the conference dell'Asstra. It seems that the problem of infrastructure Sicily is only speeding is the Catania-Palermo, which at present is traveled daily by some trains in 3 hours, while there was no position taken by the whole regional and national political class, on the disappearance of the 1.97 billion euro, among other things, fully funded since 2005 for the completion of doubling Fiumefreddo-Giampilieri and inserted by the National Government in the program of strategic works . Another figure that we wish to point out, based on an investigation of the Sun 24 hours, is the cost km / train in ser vice contracts for rail transport to the regions. In the service contract between the Ministry, and Fce Trenitalia, the km / train operated by Trenitalia in Sicily coast € 9.77 and operated by the coast Fce € 21.05 and is also important to note the data of daily travelers : Trenitalia at present carrying about 50 000 daily users and the Fce he carries around 3000. In light of these data, we are surprised at the proposal Sicily, the Commissioner of Fce Tafuri, the model of self railways on the basis of the good results of its management as part of the Railroad Circumetnea. We are sure that it is not the right path that will bring real and immediate benefits to public transport in Sicily, but in our opinion, must immediately sign the Service Contract to avoid the inconvenience and disruption present, in view of the fact that the December 12, 2010 (the date on which it enters into force the new railway timetable Trenitalia) such inconvenience and / or poor, may instead be more relevant to a greater extent and to penalize the people of Sicilian commuters el ' users in general. The only solution, unless you want to subscribe to the service contract with Trenitalia is to ban an urgent public tender to make rail transport in Sicily>>.

Joshua Malaponti - European commuters

Friday, October 15, 2010

Prom Dresses In The Walden Galleria Mall

Railway Circumetnea organizational model for regional transportation - Tafuri to" conference Asstra "

Source of Sicily Friday, October 15, 2010 p.. 35

Circumetnea Railway and its recent development, the potential, programs for the future and the experience of public transport Etna local train were presented by the government commissioner Gaetano Tafuri yesterday morning in Rome, during a conference organized dall'Asstra, a national association that brings together local public transport companies and private . Present, among others, the chairman of Commission IX Transport Mario Valducci the Chamber of Deputies and the Secretary of Infrastructure and Transportation Bartolomeo Giachino. In particular, during the conference and panel discussion attended by Commissioner Tafuri and the heads of other major companies (including the newly formed "NTV" Luca Cordero di Montezemolo), we tackled the theme of the aspects positive and negative effects of liberalization of the railways in the regions. "The issue of regional transportation is too important because there are millions of Italians who want to travel by train for day trips and also by us in the South, for example, the commissioner said Tafuri-people are discouraged from biblical times to reach the your destination, consider that between Catania and Palermo currently travel by train is more than 5 hours, or because the trains are dilapidated and service on board and ashore, very bad. In this bleak landscape FCE has assumed a role as important today as to constitute an organizational self, much appreciated by users in constant growth, with a network that stretches and modernize, to offer services to passengers in progressive improvement. Unfortunately, we note with great sadness, in the light of what emerged from the conference dell'Asstra, that high speed is likely to stay in Naples. But we can not give up because there can be a country with two speeds. FCE in the last two years, and has shown a willingness to have a more functional to the requirements of citizenship and to those of a phase of gradual growth in tourism. Given the results we have proposed a model of the Sicilian Region self-management of the railways, if accepted, will be concretely implemented with positive implications for the territory of our island. In alternativa si potrebbe aprire al mercato internazionale per porre comunque fine ad al servizio attuale sin troppo scadente e vergognoso. E' importante comunque costruire collaborazioni e non chiudersi in se stessi».

Fonte La Sicilia pag. 35

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Morrocan Big Boob Women

The landing on the moon? FALSE! A hoax!

Do you believe the moon landing?
we really gone?
but daaaai! It's all FALSE!
apollo The vehicle was in no way capable of carrying on the moon, instead of another vehicle is perfectly capable of doing, though!
Exactly this:
In fact we are so, gone to the moon, but with this vehicle and not what we are used to us!
Seriously, luckily we went to the moon and there are hundreds, indeed thousands, if not more, photos and documents to prove it.
By the way, enjoy this movie of the prequel to the project Moonscape Paul Attivissimo , a documentary focused on the moon landing, with high definition images and colors!

Light Contact - Preview from Paul Attivissimo on Vimeo .

The link to the original article is HERE
Instead, the link to the project is Moonscape HERE .

How Long Does Cervical Fusion Take

cancellations and related regional disruption / disruption to commuters Sicilian

Allarmati dalle prime soppressioni operate da Trenitalia, abbiamo voluto monitorare il trasporto ferroviario regionale da lunedì 4 a sabato 9 ottobre . In tutta questa settimana Trenitalia ha operato la soppressione di circa 70 treni in quasi tutta la regione per un totale of about 6500 km / train . To these we would add the about 3500 km / train not carried out in the report Palermo Centrale - Palermo Notarbartolo (closed loop work stations), thus arriving at a total , monitored for six days, about 10000 km / train . We consider it necessary and proper, to do that urgently need to undo these deletions or at least understand what the real problems of these deletions, lack of rolling stock failures, the failure to sign the Service Contract , etc ... This tough stance by Trenitalia penalizes us a lot, these deletions have created enormous hardships and turmoil in the working of many commuters in Sicily. Given that, Trenitalia is owned by a company under private law but in fact to the public, with a legal form which requires the observance of parameters of efficiency and effectiveness and that its mission is to provide a social service to millions citizens, something that should always be taken into account.

We want to emphasize how users of rail transport are based much Time to make choices, not only travel, but of life, coming to organize the rhythms of work on the basis of 'offer of rail transport. It is necessary that this time be respected with the utmost rigor and that, furthermore, any changes are agreed in advance in order to avoid excessive disruption to users.

I believe that the continuation of this disruption will be communicated in a timely and clear to all users pendulum, at least, to give the ' opportunity to choose and decide whether to continue to travel by train, provided with all the hardships, or choose another alternative means .

conclude by stating that the citizen-user-Sicilian, must to have a transport system that meets their needs and expectations, as the Sicily and the Sicilians really need an efficient and effective transport and terms of simple and flexible transport for their mobility.

In view of this, we consider this unacceptable by Trenitalia, while it is incomprehensible, however, the silence of Transport Department of Regione Siciliana the Service Contract and disruption / inconvenience suffered in recent days thousands of Sicilians.

Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters

Friday, October 8, 2010

Planters Sprain Wrist?

The cancellation of services in Sicily ... still (adj. to 08/10 / 2010)

continue, for no apparent reason, the cancellation of services in almost all of Sicily, by Trenitalia, though there would be a motivation: the ancata subscription service contract. We wanted to monitor Monday, October 4 to present the railways in some reports Sicilian, and to our surprise we found that bitter day Trenitalia deletes from 10 to 25 trains per day, with a loss of about 1000 km / train daily.
Highlights: Monday, October 4
Trenitalia deleted:
report Giarre-Taormina and Siracusa-Gela-Caltagirone-Catania 12 trips to train a total of about 1330 km / train will not be used,
Wednesday October 6 Trenitalia deleted:
report Palermo-Termini Imerese 15 trips by train and report on the Siracusa-Catania and Giarre Caltagirone-Catania-Gela-8 train rides for a total of about 1450 km / train
Thursday, October 7 Trenitalia deleted:
report Catania-Palermo a train ride;
report on the Siracusa-Taormina a train ride;
report on the Palermo-Agrigento a train ride;
report on the Palermo-Termini Imerese 5 train rides;
report on the Catania- 2 runs, Caltagirone Gela train
for a total of around 980 km / train not carried out. Friday, October 8
Trenitalia deleted:
report Catania-Palermo 2 train rides;
report Agrigento-Palermo 4 train rides;
report Palermo-Termini Imerese 6 train rides;
report Caltagirone-Catania-Gela 3 train rides;
report Giarre-Catania 2 train rides, a
total of about 1920 km / train not carried out.
If we pull the money, unable to monitor on Tuesday 5 October and the other reports of Ragusa and Trapani, in four days has removed 63 Trenitalia trains and did not have to travel about 5680 km / train.
want to raise the issue of inconvenience to all users in Sicily, but most users are interested commuter, is that the Department of Trasporti della Regione Siciliana intervenga urgentemente in questa assurda e strana situazione. Tra l’altro desidero chiedere del perchè non è stato ancora sottoscritto il contratto di servizio per il trasporto ferroviario.
Desidero mettere in rilievo come gli utenti del trasporto ferroviario si basino molto sull’orario di trasporto per effettuare scelte, non solo di viaggio, ma di vita, arrivando ad organizzare i ritmi del lavoro in base all’offerta di trasporto ferroviario. È necessario che tale orario venga rispettato con il massimo rigore e che, inoltre, tutte le variazioni vengano concordate con largo anticipo, in modo da evitare eccessivi sconvolgimenti all’utenza.
È inammissibile quanto sta accadendo al rail transport in Sicily, with the tacit silence on the part of the Department of Transport of the region. Joshua
Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters

Monday, October 4, 2010

What Does Jameson Whisky Taste Like

commuters and Infrastructure in Sicily: The cancellations Monday, October 4, 2010

commuters and Infrastructure in Sicily: The cancellations Monday, October 4, 2010 : "We are pleased to report that cancellations Trenitalia has operated in Today October 4, 2010: Rail of 8575 05.20 hours in partner ... "

Pink Damask Wrapping Paper

The cancellations Monday, October 4, 2010

We are pleased to report that cancellations Trenitalia has operated in Today October 4, 2010: Train

8575 hours until 05:20 leaving from Taormina to Syracuse
Train 8574 hours until 15:27 leaving from Catania to Taormina;
Train 8583 hours until 16:50 leaving from Taormina to Catania;
Train 8597 leaving from 15:40 hours until Giarre Catania;
Train 8572 leaving from 13:00 hours until Syracuse Taormina

12:23 hours Train 12807 departing from Catania up to Gela
train 12,809 hours until 13:15 leaving from Catania to Gela
train 12,813 hours until 17:50 leaving from Catania to Gela
to note that three out of five trips a day have been removed.

train 12,804 hours of 5:47 leaving from Catania to Gela up;
train 12,806 hours of 7:04 leaving from Catania to Gela up;
12:40 hours Train 12808 Gela until departing from Catania Train
of 12,814 at 17.30 in departing from Catania to Gela up;
to keep in mind that four out of five trips a day have been removed.

certainly have caused enormous inconvenience to commuters who today visited the various stations to reach the various places of work and / or study and were given the bitter surprise to find your train deleted. We shall not here to complain and to ask as always the lack of attention to their customers, but I think it's time to ask some questions and get answers from those who manage the transportation service, in this case and of Trenitalia 'body that would eventually control the function of Trenitalia.

The deletions that from time to time by Trenitalia, are agreed with someone? And if agreed upon and planned, because it is not promptly informed of the score? What are the official reasons for continuing these deletions? The miles do not train used in these deletions will be reused in other races train? Are there penalties against Trenitalia? And if they are provided for those who have to comply? I conclude by making a reflection when a commuter prevent the departure of a train, the same is reported for interruption of public service. I wonder, given all these deletions, if there can be but the interruption of public service by the person who actually needs to ensure transport efficiently and effectively.

Joshua Malaponti - European commuters Me-Ct-Sr