The fat 'Mmaiale! In the letters I get I often wonder how we can recycle the fat from the pork sfriggolo result of bacon and bacon.
You may wonder why for sure sometimes people do not know what to think ... Most of you instead, throw 'I'm well into the sink diddi ....' gnoranti wasteful .. but the best in all of this and 'that at the end according to one of the many options in addition to meeting the needs ascetics, you can' really help out the environment, keeping cholesterol levels as' high!
E 'sfriggolare the common habit of bacon and pancetta to stuff frittatelle garnish pancakes, salads or suspicious giotto croissant with cheese and chocolate, but as a pain in the heart to see that Ben Liquid of God to his fate lying helpless on the bottom of the pan, with no future ... Some do not care and pay in the sink, sensitive to other biological waste and recycling broke in on 'cause you should throw instead of a Scapezzano Modino gastronomically for recycling.
Save the Fat result can 'seem like a quaint exercise if you want, but sometimes arises from the bizarre and the glory we know that the best help us dalla storia e dai suoi protagonisti, inclusi gli anonimi. L'epigrafe di ignoto che si erge infatti a monito sopra l'ingresso all'
Accademia dell'Uovo Ombra di Capalle parla chiaro: "
il grasso di maiale, aggiunge il sorriso alla vita e rende l'uomo libero" . RENDE L'UOMO LIBERO!!.
Partendo da questa constatazione si carpisce il nesso del preservare il Santo Unto , a guisa di omaggio al maiale stesso, beatificandolo affinche' l'esaltazione dell'essere umano sia immagine trasfigura del divino. E pensare che e' solo il grasso del maiale....
Di seguito vi elenco una serie di opzioni consigliate per il riuso del grasso, alcune suoneranno raspe, altre Lecico attract ridicule and doubt, but always remember that "pork fat, add a smile to life and makes man free, then Grease all and be happy because 'fat pig' nice, do not vergognatevene.
Bacon Martini Stylish chic in all areas of New York, sull'onta of the 007 here is the rough shackerato
Bacon Martini drink from the snooty type loved Sex and the City, bacon fat in addition to soft succulent Martini (Bianco strictly!) will go also to rub on the rim of the glass! Remarkable treat for the quickest of minds and palates careful and always looking for that something out of life.
It has a turf issue, and is exalted among the ascetics of rough horse-Martini, the dross of white liquid fat.
Serve hot / cold (otherwise the fat solidifies moving away from the tasty mixture) with a nice rasp of bacon in the habit of lemon.
Sun Cream Product DIY type
"Grandma's or Farmer's Remedy" , well suited to the summer season and for those 'looking for a quick tan, lasting and envy !
easy to prepare, it is suitable for all skin types, ideal for sensitive skin, on which creates the crispy roasted patina typical of the grating. The preparation and 'easy, just let cool thoroughly in the fridge the fat, mix it with vaseline to ease the slide ... and it 'done! Council to filter the grease before it cool so you do not scratch the crumb fried skin.
Arbre Magic Bacon
easy to prepare, you can 'make recycling the paper used for draining the fried bacon, which, rolled up scarf necklace you put it on the rearview mirror, just above the ventilation openings, so that the aroma of grease laden well spilling all over the car. For lovers of good taste, there is also the variant with the sponge, which is very well drown in hot fat, a nice terry nova nova. Let the intigolo be absorbed evenly. The sponge does not just hang the mirror scatter 'the liquid on the dashboard, but when pressed, will release' the liquidino to behave as sucking fingers. For gluttons!
Icicles bacon
really easy, they adapt to the summer as the fly shit! There are two versions, walking or Cocktail. Castings fat surplus in special molds, and put it in the game and friizer 'done. For the sophisticated taste, I recommend putting two beautiful blueberries we are pretty well. Cocktail those that have refined taste when combined with Modine.
erotic games for gourmets!