Our requests. Commuter Meeting Siciliani e Dipartimento Trasporti sui nuovi orari ferroviari 2010/2011 In view of the new timetables will come into force on 12 December next, and following the invitation to the meeting by the Department of Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport, which will be held tomorrow Palermo at 11.30 am at the headquarters of the Regional Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport, we wish, in light of the new proposal of the rail by Trenitalia, able to integrate with our proposals to improve the functionality:
train 12,865 to restore the route includes the arrival in Catania at 7:37;
Train 8577 leaving at 06.48 from Fiumefreddo. - Add the stop Mascali, given that the train takes the same travel time (8 min.) Is not performing. Among other things, there is a need being the third train running on the report Me-Ct-Sr to arrive in Catania before 7:23 am on a substantial number of commuters;
Train 8573 leaving from Messina at 20 , 37 - delay the start of 10/15 minutes;
train departing from Messina 12885 at 21:45 - to make the bus station Fiumefreddo of Sicily;
new trains include the creation of a new train ride from Messina or Catania Taormina until it reaches, making all the stops to fill the huge hole time about 3 hours between the two cities. Anticipating the arrival of any race in Catania at 12:30
12,878 flights from Catania Train at 13:55 - to avoid elimination by the end of July until the end of September;
flights from Catania Train 8586 at 17:41 - Postpone the departure at 17:51, to give opportunity to many commuters who finishes work at 17.30 possible use;
flights from Catania Train 12886 at 20:40 - delay the start of 10/15 minutes;
flights from Catania Train 8574 at 15:27 - delay the start of 10/15 minutes;
Train 8588 departing at 15:55 from Taormina - postpone the departure of the train and create coincidence that 8574 ends his race in Taormina at 16:15. Keep in mind that the next train to Messina is at 17:22;
Train 8584 departing from Catania to 17.00 - to predict the arrival of the train station instead of Sicily Fiumefreddo Giarre-kept,
There is a need to create connections to trains arriving from Syracuse to Messina by train departing from Messina to Palermo:
train departing from Messina 12759 at 06:55 - to create a connection with the train No 12866 arriving at Messina at 7:10 as the train No 12759 local train;
train departing from Messina 3835 at 07:29 - create a connection with the train No 12868 arriving at Messina at 7:40;
train departing from Messina 12761 at 11.25 - to create a connection with the train No 3870 arriving in Messina at 11.35 as the train No 12761 local train;
train departing from Messina 12765 at 14:25 - to create a connection with the train No 12874 arriving at Messina at 14:32 as the train No 12765 local train;
Train 729 departing at 19:43 from Messina - to create a connection with the train No 8586 arriving in Messina at 19.45 and / or train No 3872 arriving in Messina at 20.10;
Train 3842 with arrival at Messina at 18:59 - to create a connection with the train No 12883 departing from Messina at 18:55;
Provide links to the trains: No 25172 to 25178 - 25182 to 25186 - 25181 to 25183 - 25185 to 25187 and called Taormina Mare Nostrum Express stations Fiumefreddo di Sicilia and / or Alcantara.
The strange situation of trains for the sea and the lack of foresight in making Trenitalia a service for discriminating certain areas of the Ionian coast on holidays from July to late August.
Considering that these four pairs of trains called Taormina Mare Nostrum and Express perform the following stops: Acireale - Giarre-Ripon - Taormina - Letojanni, skipping stations Fiumefreddo of Sicily and Alcantara, which is outward in return.
Many times, we have sought clarification from the Department of Trenitalia why this does not make a stop at the train station and Fiumefreddo Alcantara, per'altro drawing from a large catchment area is the station of Fiumefreddo (Mascarenhas-Calatayud- Piedimonte Etneo-Lingfield) that station Alcantara (Calatayud-Trappitello-Gaggi Giardini-Granite). We were told that since trains of the sea and that Fiumefreddo Alcantara as well as to the sea is far away and since there is a link from the station to the sea have decided not to stop these trains. The question naturally arises as the sea is still very far away from the station Giarre-Ripon, as the station of Acireale and I understand that there is no connection between stations and the resort area of \u200b\u200bthe two centers. In view of the fact that on Sunday, the train service was halved to 60% of strokes on the Catania-Messina director, and vice versa. It 'necessary to correct such discomfort in implementing stops at stations Fiumefreddo and Alcantara to give more opportunity to users in general and tourists who flock to this period in these districts.
The upgrading of certain sections of the railways in Sicily would shorten travel time in both the Ionian and Tyrrhenian back at least a 20% but this has not happened in years, even with every change of times, there has been a sharp and substantial increase in journey times. Referring to the report Messina-Catania-Siracusa, despite the completion of some sections double-track the replacement of old wooden sleepers with concrete ones, the replacement of the tracks, the arrival in Sicily of the new E 464 locomotives, trains Minuet (co-financed with € 50 million by the Sicilian Region) and the continuous technological innovation of the network in recent years, the journey has not been improved in many trains, has even been extended.
Trenitalia in formulating times longer from year to year, travel times to reset and / or decrease the time of any one of our fast ritardi.Da analysis, we calculated that you can reduce journey times at least a 10-15% or 10-15 minutes for each ora di percorrenza.
Questa novità implica un principio molto pericoloso, ossia che più il treno “sta” sulla linea, più il servizio viene pagato dalla Regione, ben sapendo che negli anni i tempi di percorrenza (a parità di numero di fermate) sono stati sempre allungati, e, per di più un treno sarebbe considerato “puntuale” se solo avesse un ritardo compreso tra i 5 minuti!!!!
Quale coordinatore dei pendolari siciliani, ho il dovere di rappresentare l’importanza strategica del trasporto pubblico ferroviario in a region like Sicily and the need to pursue policies increasingly powerful tool to facilitate development. The Service Contract, which the Sicilian Region has not yet signed, and must become an important and valuable because it puts at last the foundations for a railway which will take account of sustainable mobility and the needs of those groups of users have made their way to rail travel. It 'just, in my opinion, which lays the foundation for the realization of an efficient and effective in order to be taken into consideration as a commuter audience, and why not, to work together to compete and to identify pathways che, partendo dalle necessità dei vari territori, si traducano in azioni concrete e di sostegno alla mobilità dei cittadini, perseguendo quanto più possibile obiettivi di integrazione di più modi di trasporto.
Desidero mettere in rilievo come gli utenti del trasporto ferroviario, si basino sull’orario di trasporto per effettuare scelte non solo di viaggio, ma di vita, arrivando ad organizzare i ritmi del lavoro in base all’offerta di trasporto ferroviario, quindi è necessario che tale orario venga rispettato con il massimo rigore, e che inoltre tutte le variazioni stagionali e annuali vengano concordate in modo da evitare eccessivi sconvolgimenti all’utenza.
Riteniamo opportuno che le Istituzioni, in collaborazione con i molti utenti del trasporto ferroviario, incomincino a programmare un servizio più vicino all’utenza in generale ed in modo particolare all’utenza pendolare, e a tutelare il cittadino che giornalmente è costretto a fare enormi sacrifici per raggiungere il proprio posto di lavoro, studio e altro.
Certi della Vs. disponibilità e sensibilità a tale problematica, nell’attesa di un vs. sollecito riscontro, porgo a nome del Comitato, cordiali saluti
Giosuè Malaponti - Comitato Pendolari Me-Ct-Sr