Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tiffany Towers Fshower

Travel: The travel disruptions on the rails of the South

These days, we have seen what has happened in Tuscany, for the extraordinary wave of bad weather, and the positions of all political forces against Trenitalia and the Ministry of Transport in defense of their fellow countrymen.
I do not think that the problem of 21 hours of delay by Intercity train Torino-Milano-R. Calabria-Palermo, is due to an exceptional event, but the usual story of hope that the trains from the north must be up to the deep south. Deep South meant for the quality of rail used, for infrastructure and transport service "universal audience."
So much so that the CEO of Trenitalia Mauro Moretti, another opportunity like this, he responded well to the question from a reporter asking why the south, there are trains worst, the most older and slower, "We are a company. There are routes that have the market, and the routes that non ne hanno. È lo Stato che ci deve dire che servizio vuole e con che risorse coprire i costi. Altrimenti, facciamo il servizio che possiamo fare con gli investimenti che siamo in grado di fare, cercando di usare il materiale rotabile che abbiamo al meglio (Apcom)".
Con questa dichiarazione, l'A.d. di Trenitalia scaricava le responsabilità di questi viaggi della speranza allo Stato, che non investe fondi adeguati per l'acquisto di materiale rotabile e per le infrastrutture per il sud. A questo punto, sorge il dubbio, e se fosse veramente così? Di certo bisogna correre ai ripari.
Occorre che i vertici politici dei territori che vivono questo tipo di disagio, chiedano urgentemente chiarimenti al Governo per queste disattenzioni, per il materiale rotabile impiegato e per i mancati investimenti al pari del resto d' Italia e allo stesso tempo chiedere, così come hanno fatto i politici toscani, le dimissioni dell'A.d. di Trenitalia e del Ministro dei Trasporti, perché non è più tollerabile da parte dei cittadini italiani residenti al sud, questo tipo di disagi, disservizi e disattenzioni .
Queste disparità nella qualità del servizio, fanno venir meno i principi costituzionali delle pari dignità social, personal and economic freedom can move freely and quickly across the Italian territory.

Joshua Malaponti - Coordinator - COMMITTEE MOUNTED SICILIAN

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bulma Yamcha Doujinshi

Transport - Priorities Committee commuters Siciliani

Plan for the South - to obtain resources for the completion of the two dorsal railway Tyrrhenian and Ionian, for ; speeding of Catania - Palermo and the achievement of all the works planned and still not implemented in ' Framework Program Agreement, signed in Sicily on 5/10/2001 - Implement the Continuità Territoriale; - Rendere operativo il  Piano Regionale dei Trasporti  e dei Piani Attuativi (Aereo - Marittimo - Ferroviario - Stradale) che giacciono nei cassetti dell'assessorato regionale dal 2004.
La  Sicilia  anno dopo anno, si è vista escludere dagli  investimenti  infrastrutturali e treno dopo treno, si è vista tagliare il trasporto universale da e per il nord. Negligenze, sviste, scarso interesse da addebitare, certamente, a tutta la classe  politica regionale e nazionale, di entrambi gli schieramenti, che nulla hanno fatto per arginare these cuts and continue to take off, once and for all those infrastructures which really need the Sicilian territory.
's invitation, I wish to address, our Directors, is to produce a more attentive to the needs of our primary Sicily and Sicilians, against a government that increasingly penalizes us. At present, no need to blame him, the controversy or the attacks of the greatest exponents of the politics of Sicily ( Miccichè , Buzzanca , Lombardo).
If, Sicily for over forty years still living in this state of underdevelopment of infrastructure, the fault is not to be charged to a single political party, but almost certainly is to be found in the entire political class in Sicily, and various representatives of the Sicilian Parliament and national governments that have ruled.
right, Governor Lombardo to call the call, regardless of political, national parliamentarians, regional authorities, the Presidents of provinces, mayors, social forces and the Sicilians to start claim and get the legitimate rights and expectations that are being denied.
The Sicily, does not belong alla politica di destra, né a quella di sinistra, ma è dovere della politica garantire ai Siciliani lo sviluppo economico, sociale e infrastrutturale pari al resto d'Italia.
Questo, secondo me, è il momento in cui deve prevalere il senso di responsabilità dei nostri Amministratori nei confronti del Popolo siciliano, in considerazione del fatto che, non venga ulteriormente penalizzato il nostro territorio ma, di iniziare assieme a chiedere quanto ci spetta di diritto, così come viene sancito, dalla  Costituzione all'articolo 3  (Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali. E' compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli di ordine economico e sociale, che, limitando di fatto la libertà e l'eguaglianza dei cittadini, impediscono il pieno sviluppo della persona umana e l'effettiva partecipazione di tutti i lavoratori all'organizzazione politica, economica e sociale del Paese) e  all'articolo 16 (Ogni cittadino può circolare e soggiornare liberamente in qualsiasi parte del territorio nazionale, salvo le limitazioni che la legge stabilisce in via generale per motivi di sanità o di sicurezza. Nessuna restrizione può essere determinata da ragioni politiche. Ogni cittadino è libero di uscire the territory of the Republic and re-enter, unless required by law).
Joshua Malaponti - Coordinator - COMMITTEE MOUNTED SICILIAN

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cube Runner Unblocked

for commuters, with the new timetable, it is impossible to return by train in the evening, from Syracuse.

C on the new timetable, effective from December 12, 2010, are initiates the inconvenience to commuters, for work on the report Syracuse - Catania .
The cancellation of 856 express train that left Syracuse at 17.30 and the ban on commuters to get on the ICN 1938 running from Syracuse at 20:25 is creating huge inconvenience to all users commuter.
Keep in mind that the 'ICN 1938 is the last train leaving at night from Syracuse.
should, immediately, give the opportunity to get commuters to on the ICN 1938 until you will not find a definitive solution that can ensure and assure the users who pay a subscription, a public transportation rail closest to your needs and an efficient and effective public transport.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Shingle 4a Hair

delays, cancellations and lack of information to the central station of Catania

Molti sono stati i ritardi e le problematiche conseguenti alla stazione centrale di Catania, che il popolo dei pendolari della fascia ionica ha dovuto subire nella giornata di oggi 15 dicembre 2010 a partire dalla tarda mattinata.

Soppressioni e ritardi che hanno creato enormi disagi e scompiglio a tutti i pendolari della Catania-Messina e non solo, poichè sono stati soppressi treni per Caltanissetta treno n. 8671, Gela e Palermo treno n. 3853.

I ritardi di oggi sulla relazione Siracusa-Catania-Messina e viceversa:

treno n. 12872 minuti 42 - treno n. 12876 minuti 22, treno n.12878 minuti 78, treno n.12880 96 minutes, train 12,882 minutes 83, 48 8582 minutes by train, train 8574 canceled, canceled train 8584, train 8586 canceled train n.12811 110 minutes, no train 12873 minutes 64 minutes 26 n.8571 train, train No 12875 minutes 60, train No. 34 12877 minutes, train No 34 3869 minutes, no train 12879 minutes 31, 34 12881 minutes by train, train No 24 12871 minutes, no train 3871 minutes 45, 78 minutes by train Exp n.1945, n.1934 Exp train 68 minutes, 56 minutes by train Ic n.721.

These trains are already about 11 hours from the morning until late evening are in this report.

The technical problem as it was announced at the Central Station Catania, tra la stazione centrale di Catania e quella di Ognina, ci poteva anche stare visti i lavori in corso del raddoppio, vista la pioggia di oggi. Quello che invece, desideriamo segnalare ai responsabili di Rete Ferroviaria Italiana della stazione centrale di Catania è la non tempestiva e chiara informazione all'utenza. Non è possibile dare il seguente annuncio: Si avvisa la clientela che il traffico ferroviario tra catania e Messina è interrotto per un problema tecnico alla stazione di Ognina". Questa poteva essere, nell'immediato, una tempestiva informazione, ma occorreva in un secondo momento dare almeno delle indicazioni chiare sulle partenze o sulla cancellazione dei treni, ciò per dare modo a tutta l'utenza di poter decidere se continuare waiting for a train that no one knew when to leave and be able to decide whether to continue to wait or choose an alternative means.

We believe that the continuation of this inconvenience must be communicated in a timely and clear to all users of the commuter ion beam, at least give the opportunity to choose and decide whether to continue waiting for a train that does not knows when to part with all the hardships provided, or choose an alternate means to reach his residence, places of work and / or study. Must be reviewed as it is ascertained in the Service Charter of Italian Railway Network on the timely and clear information to users, especially in these cases.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Milena Velba Kitchen Sweetie

Our requests. Commuter Meeting Siciliani e Dipartimento Trasporti sui nuovi orari ferroviari 2010/2011

In view of the new timetables will come into force on 12 December next, and following the invitation to the meeting by the Department of Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport, which will be held tomorrow Palermo at 11.30 am at the headquarters of the Regional Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport, we wish, in light of the new proposal of the rail by Trenitalia, able to integrate with our proposals to improve the functionality:


train 12,865 to restore the route includes the arrival in Catania at 7:37;

Train 8577 leaving at 06.48 from Fiumefreddo. - Add the stop Mascali, given that the train takes the same travel time (8 min.) Is not performing. Among other things, there is a need being the third train running on the report Me-Ct-Sr to arrive in Catania before 7:23 am on a substantial number of commuters;

Train 8573 leaving from Messina at 20 , 37 - delay the start of 10/15 minutes;

train departing from Messina 12885 at 21:45 - to make the bus station Fiumefreddo of Sicily;

new trains include the creation of a new train ride from Messina or Catania Taormina until it reaches, making all the stops to fill the huge hole time about 3 hours between the two cities. Anticipating the arrival of any race in Catania at 12:30


12,878 flights from Catania Train at 13:55 - to avoid elimination by the end of July until the end of September;

flights from Catania Train 8586 at 17:41 - Postpone the departure at 17:51, to give opportunity to many commuters who finishes work at 17.30 possible use;

flights from Catania Train 12886 at 20:40 - delay the start of 10/15 minutes;

flights from Catania Train 8574 at 15:27 - delay the start of 10/15 minutes;

Train 8588 departing at 15:55 from Taormina - postpone the departure of the train and create coincidence that 8574 ends his race in Taormina at 16:15. Keep in mind that the next train to Messina is at 17:22;

Train 8584 departing from Catania to 17.00 - to predict the arrival of the train station instead of Sicily Fiumefreddo Giarre-kept,


There is a need to create connections to trains arriving from Syracuse to Messina by train departing from Messina to Palermo:

train departing from Messina 12759 at 06:55 - to create a connection with the train No 12866 arriving at Messina at 7:10 as the train No 12759 local train;

train departing from Messina 3835 at 07:29 - create a connection with the train No 12868 arriving at Messina at 7:40;

train departing from Messina 12761 at 11.25 - to create a connection with the train No 3870 arriving in Messina at 11.35 as the train No 12761 local train;

train departing from Messina 12765 at 14:25 - to create a connection with the train No 12874 arriving at Messina at 14:32 as the train No 12765 local train;

Train 729 departing at 19:43 from Messina - to create a connection with the train No 8586 arriving in Messina at 19.45 and / or train No 3872 arriving in Messina at 20.10;

Train 3842 with arrival at Messina at 18:59 - to create a connection with the train No 12883 departing from Messina at 18:55;


Provide links to the trains: No 25172 to 25178 - 25182 to 25186 - 25181 to 25183 - 25185 to 25187 and called Taormina Mare Nostrum Express stations Fiumefreddo di Sicilia and / or Alcantara.

The strange situation of trains for the sea and the lack of foresight in making Trenitalia a service for discriminating certain areas of the Ionian coast on holidays from July to late August.

Considering that these four pairs of trains called Taormina Mare Nostrum and Express perform the following stops: Acireale - Giarre-Ripon - Taormina - Letojanni, skipping stations Fiumefreddo of Sicily and Alcantara, which is outward in return.

Many times, we have sought clarification from the Department of Trenitalia why this does not make a stop at the train station and Fiumefreddo Alcantara, per'altro drawing from a large catchment area is the station of Fiumefreddo (Mascarenhas-Calatayud- Piedimonte Etneo-Lingfield) that station Alcantara (Calatayud-Trappitello-Gaggi Giardini-Granite). We were told that since trains of the sea and that Fiumefreddo Alcantara as well as to the sea is far away and since there is a link from the station to the sea have decided not to stop these trains. The question naturally arises as the sea is still very far away from the station Giarre-Ripon, as the station of Acireale and I understand that there is no connection between stations and the resort area of \u200b\u200bthe two centers. In view of the fact that on Sunday, the train service was halved to 60% of strokes on the Catania-Messina director, and vice versa. It 'necessary to correct such discomfort in implementing stops at stations Fiumefreddo and Alcantara to give more opportunity to users in general and tourists who flock to this period in these districts.


The upgrading of certain sections of the railways in Sicily would shorten travel time in both the Ionian and Tyrrhenian back at least a 20% but this has not happened in years, even with every change of times, there has been a sharp and substantial increase in journey times. Referring to the report Messina-Catania-Siracusa, despite the completion of some sections double-track the replacement of old wooden sleepers with concrete ones, the replacement of the tracks, the arrival in Sicily of the new E 464 locomotives, trains Minuet (co-financed with € 50 million by the Sicilian Region) and the continuous technological innovation of the network in recent years, the journey has not been improved in many trains, has even been extended.

Trenitalia in formulating times longer from year to year, travel times to reset and / or decrease the time of any one of our fast ritardi.Da analysis, we calculated that you can reduce journey times at least a 10-15% or 10-15 minutes for each ora di percorrenza.

Questa novità implica un principio molto pericoloso, ossia che più il treno “sta” sulla linea, più il servizio viene pagato dalla Regione, ben sapendo che negli anni i tempi di percorrenza (a parità di numero di fermate) sono stati sempre allungati, e, per di più un treno sarebbe considerato “puntuale” se solo avesse un ritardo compreso tra i 5 minuti!!!!


Quale coordinatore dei pendolari siciliani, ho il dovere di rappresentare l’importanza strategica del trasporto pubblico ferroviario in a region like Sicily and the need to pursue policies increasingly powerful tool to facilitate development. The Service Contract, which the Sicilian Region has not yet signed, and must become an important and valuable because it puts at last the foundations for a railway which will take account of sustainable mobility and the needs of those groups of users have made their way to rail travel. It 'just, in my opinion, which lays the foundation for the realization of an efficient and effective in order to be taken into consideration as a commuter audience, and why not, to work together to compete and to identify pathways che, partendo dalle necessità dei vari territori, si traducano in azioni concrete e di sostegno alla mobilità dei cittadini, perseguendo quanto più possibile obiettivi di integrazione di più modi di trasporto.

Desidero mettere in rilievo come gli utenti del trasporto ferroviario, si basino sull’orario di trasporto per effettuare scelte non solo di viaggio, ma di vita, arrivando ad organizzare i ritmi del lavoro in base all’offerta di trasporto ferroviario, quindi è necessario che tale orario venga rispettato con il massimo rigore, e che inoltre tutte le variazioni stagionali e annuali vengano concordate in modo da evitare eccessivi sconvolgimenti all’utenza.

Riteniamo opportuno che le Istituzioni, in collaborazione con i molti utenti del trasporto ferroviario, incomincino a programmare un servizio più vicino all’utenza in generale ed in modo particolare all’utenza pendolare, e a tutelare il cittadino che giornalmente è costretto a fare enormi sacrifici per raggiungere il proprio posto di lavoro, studio e altro.

Certi della Vs. disponibilità e sensibilità a tale problematica, nell’attesa di un vs. sollecito riscontro, porgo a nome del Comitato, cordiali saluti

Giosuè Malaponti - Comitato Pendolari Me-Ct-Sr

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Shemale Camila Rodriguez

Giovedì e venerdì servizi regolari. Sciopero trasporto pubblico differito dal Ministro Matteoli

Local public transport: Matteoli differs strike on Thursday and Friday regular services.

A statement of the Press Office of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, announced that the Minister Matteoli, in the art. 8 of Law 146/90 and subsequent amendments, was postponed to another date the strike of personnel involved in activities in rail transport and incidental services, scheduled from December 9 to 21 of 21 of December 10, 2010, and staff at public transport local, programmed from 00:01 to 23:59 on the 10th December 2010. The suspension from work was issued by the National Secretariat of Trade Unions FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL, Uiltrasporti, UGL TRANSPORT ORSA, Fais and FAST-CONFSAL.

The measure was necessary and urgent in order to prevent serious and irreparable harm to the constitutionally guaranteed right of free movement.

Thursday and Friday, therefore, services will be regular.

Rome, December 7, 2010 Source


Monday, December 6, 2010

Three Days Grace Concert

Il 10 dicembre il Dipartimento regionale Infrastrutture e Mobilità incontrerà i Pendolari

call on December 10, 2010 - Offering train 2010/2011

The meeting requested on the new offer railway 2010/2011, is called for the day December 10, 2010 at 11.30 c / o the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Mobility - Via Leonardo da Vinci, No 161 - meeting room - ground floor.

Palermo prot. 100153 06/12/2010

the Department of Infrastructure and Mobility
Department of Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport Service
4 TR. "Railway Transport"

On behalf of the Director General
Signed - The Manager of the Service - Dr. Ignatius Rabbit

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Caesars Palace Sports Book Slip Check

the diligent Dispenza is renewed

The tuna back into the fold and pulley

I am, proud and waiting conimmestolo hand

am ready to quiet joy of cooking.

You raise their torches and knives allimino

I am going to return.

trembling lamb fat and poplar oxine

that the restaurant opens .... and knows how to eat 'bad!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Buy Antique Metal Syringe

Il Dipartimento Regionale Infrastrutture e Mobilità convocherà i Pendolari Siciliani sui nuovi orari

Since the Regional Office of Trenitalia's Railway 2010/2011 delivered to the proposal offering the Sicilian Region, and views our urgent requests to the Regional Department of Infrastructure and Mobility to be invited to consider the proposed allocation 2010/2011, which will come into force on 12/12/2010, I wish to inform the public that commuting a few days the leaders of the Regional Department of Infrastructure and Mobility all committees meet to discuss new Sicilian Commuter train schedules and / or on any adjustments to made to optimize the service.
Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters

Check the timetable or download attachments:

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sherwin Williams Expressive Plum

Richiesta incontro alla Regione Sicilia - Nuovi orari ferroviari 2010 - 2011

to the Regional Infrastructure and Mobility

about Councillor Peter Carmelo Russo

The Department of Infrastructure and Mobility
about General Manager Mr. Vincent Falgares

the Regional Office of Trenitalia Sicily ca Ing Francesco Costantino

The Department Territorial Production RFI Sicily about Mr. Philip Palazzo

to the press

In view of the new timetables will come into force on 12 December next, aware that already the regional Trenitalia has submitted to the Sicilia region tracks hourly 2010/2011, we want to ask a urgent meeting with the Regional Director of the Department of Infrastructure and Mobility, to review the proposed railway 2010/2011 and possibly integrate with our proposals to improve their functionality.

We believe that the institutions should, in collaboration with the many users of the rail, are beginning to plan a service closer to users in general and in particular users commuting daily and to protect the citizen who is forced to make huge sacrifices to reach their place of work, study and more.

Some of your availability and sensitivity to this issue, pending a vs. early reply, porgo a nome del Comitato, cordiali saluti

Giosuè Malaponti - Comitato Pendolari Messina-Catania-Siracusa
Aldo Lo Monte - Pendolari Caltagirone-Gela
Antonino Fazio - Comitato Pendolari S.Agata Militello-Messina
Maurizio Porsenna - Pendolari Ragusa

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

John Deere 410b Backhoe

I Ritardi Infrastrutturali in Sicilia

Nell'attesa che venga approvato il Piano per il Sud, il Cipe approva nella seduta del 18/11/2010, opere pubbliche per 21 miliardi di euro, ed il ministro Matteoli si dichiara soddisfatto perché in questa fase economica, questo ulteriore finanziamento per le infrastrutture , darà sicuramente un contributo allo sviluppo e all'occupazione. Le opere approvate e che can be started immediately are only for the center and north are the third passage de Giovi axis High Speed \u200b\u200b Milan-Genoa (6.2 billion), the Av Milan-Verona-Brescia tract Treviglio (3.8 billion ), the Brenner Pass (4.6 billion) and access to the Brenner base tunnel in the stretch Fortezza-Verona (1.6 billion), the Turin-Lyon - the exploratory tunnel Maddalena (143 million), the seventh Mose tranche of Venice (230 million euro) this will reach 75% completion of the whole work; Pontina the highway Roma-Latina (2.7 billion), the secondary roads of the first lot of the Tyrrhenian Rosignano from San Pietro in Palazzi (total cost of the Tyrrhenian 1,8 mld). Mentre per il centro sud approvati solo due interventi quali la piastra logistica di Taranto (33 milioni) e l'adeguamento ferroviario nell'ambito dell'area metropolitana di Bari (29 milioni di euro).
In un momento in cui tutti ottengono miliardi di euro per l'ammodernamento e la costruzione di nuove infrastrutture viarie e ferroviarie, i politici siciliani discutono ancora sull'arretratezza infrastrutturale siciliana.
Se il nostro sistema ferroviario è antiquato, lo è proprio alla scarsa attenzione che la politica regionale ha dedicato allo sviluppo infrastrutturale.
Non è possibile, che si punti l'indice nei confronti of State, the Italian Railway Network and Trenitalia, when the Sicilian political on transport and infrastructure in recent decades, has produced nothing to try to reduce the infrastructure gap between north and south.
But the opportunities were there!
In October 2001, was signed in Sicily 's Framework Program Agreement (FPA), between Sicily Region (President Cuffaro) and Ministry of Transport (On.Lunardi).
Nell'APQ were planned as a major overhaul of rail is clear from the attached schedules A and B
A Prospectus (billions of lire)
bought in
Person responsible

(not funded)
3 4 5
Finanziamenti assegnati a FS S.p.A. con C.d.P. 1994-2000 e Addenda
L.388/2000 Finanziaria 2001
POR Sicilia
Del. CIPE 142/99 "Aree depresse"
Ex lege n.64/86 Del. CIPE 13.3.96
TOTALE (Importo interventi finanziati e previsti in APQ)
Direttrice Palermo-Messina (schede TFA11-TFA12-TFA13-TFA14)
Direttrice Messina-Catania-Siracusa (schede TFA21-TFA22-TFA23) ivi compreso il nodo di Catania
Nodo di Palermo (schede TFA31-TFA32)
775.663 239.410
line Palermo-Agrigento (TFA41 cards)
Feasibility study for the improvement of the regional lines (data TFA51)
Sicily Region
283.149 270.000
48.000 80.000
3592.950 939.410

Table B (in billions of lire)
Posts urban
Total cost
Other Resources
Del. CIPE 142/99 "depressed areas"
Subway Line Extension FCE in the urban area of \u200b\u200bCatania (TFB11-cards-TFB12 TFB13-TFB14-TFB15)
Chiusura dell'anello ferroviario di Palermo, linea Notarbartolo-Giachery-Centrale  (scheda TFB21)
Realizzazione della MetroFerrovia di Messina  (scheda TFB31)
E 'questionable, which and how many of these works provided nell'APQ of 2001 were carried out to date?
Why has never been implemented Regional Transport Plan and the four Executive Plan (Maritime-Air-Rail-Road) approved back in 2004?
Why is not designed to double- Fiumefreddo Giampilieri albeit funded with 1970 million euro from the distant 2005 and, among other things, introduced by the Government National Plan of strategic infrastructure?
Why all these months in the Region of Sicily did not want to, given our many requests, to meet the commuters Committees Siciliani at least to understand what were the needs of major users of rail and possibly entering a contract of service?
Why was not yet signed the Service Contract , as already happened passage of powers between the state and region?
These are the questions that the politicians must answer to the Sicilian Sicilian to backwardness and infrastrutturale della Sicilia .
L'ex presidente delle Ferrovie dello Stato, Innocenzo Cipolletta, intervenuto a Palermo nel novembre 2009, alle "Giornate dell'Economia del Mezzogiorno", ha dichiarato:"I progetti per migliorare la qualità del sistema ferroviario siciliano ci sono ma quello che manca sono le risorse economiche", ed ancora «la Sicilia ha bisogno di un sistema di trasporti più efficiente ma i bisogni infrastrutturali sono così tanti che malgrado gli sforzi manca sempre qualcosa.
Stiamo completando il raddoppio della Messina-Palermo dove ci sono i finanziamenti e poi ci sono i progetti per fare ex novo la Palermo-Catania e per velocizzare e rafforzare la Messina-Catania-Siracusa where, by putting in place all our efforts and our planning, lack of economic resources. "
In light of these statements, the statements fall on deaf ears of regional policy in recent months that the index pointed towards Italian Railway Network that they had plans for infrastructure development in Sicily.
In view of these facts, the regional political class should be required by the national government the right resources, so that in the short term, these projects are funded that the State Railways claim to have prepared for the Development of Sicily, certainly works urgently needed to reduce the huge infrastructure gap that currently exists and that is evident between Sicily and the rest of Italy.
from damage caused by the total absence of infrastructure investment, to the mockery of the further reduction of long-distance trains between the north-south and the dreaded cut of 50 regional trains for the transport will almost certainly by 12 December 2010.
In conclusion, our lines are increasingly dilapidated and crumbling, while having the courage to say that thanks to high-speed rail is the most modern and advanced country, but in Sicily is not the case.
Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters Siciliani

Friday, November 12, 2010

What Can You Make With Weaving

Il comitato pendolari siciliani su: rincari, tagli ai treni regionali e contratto di servizio

Sicilians asking commuters to work on regional policy: inflation, Cuts and Service Contract.

Stoppato at the moment the specter of cuts in long-distance trains, three important issues remain on the table and connected to each other. The subscription of the Service Contract Regione Siciliana Trenitalia, the problem of cuts to regional trains and feared rail increases. These issues are of significant importance for the future of commuter rail and the Sicilian island. Any ol'immediata signing the Service Agreement, would invalidate the dreaded cut announced by the unions of 50 trains of rail Sicily. Hazards that must be avoided at all costs to prevent these cuts could spell the end for many railway lines Sicilian considered "deadwood" from Trenitalia . Hazards that must be avoided in order not to fail the opportunity to commute Sicilian to continue to rely on half their trips by train to work, study or whatever. It seems that the current 11 million km / train currently made in Sicily, at a rate of hours of December 12, 2010, will be reduced by about 3% and exactly 330,000 km / train that will not be made and to the detriment of all, Sicily, commuters and tourists. The issue of budget cuts to spending on public transport by rail regions by the national government, and the consequent issue of price increases of tickets, is a tangible mockery of commuters who just this year had begin to see the long-awaited improvements in all Italian regions, and that the new service contracts of 6 + 6 years of life were to guarantee certainty in rail transport. Instead, in Sicily want to do that, the damage of the few available infrastructure, travel time longer and longer, more and more decrepit rolling stock, is added the insult of having to pay a higher transportation cost for a service that provides mobility efficiency and effectiveness of sustainable transport itself. At this point, it should send a clear message to our political representatives Sicilian to take substantive action at the national government to prevent these price increases that severely penalize in a region which, until now, has been cut off from large infrastructure investment and today, still less is penalized by paying a more expensive in the absence of those infrastructure that make the difference between north and south.

Joshua Malaponti - Committee Coordinator commuters Siciliani