Zuppetta di teste di pesce del Chiollaro Ingredienti:
- 1Kg di Teste di pesce vario*
- ½ Sedano di Prussia
- 3 Pomodori schiopponi
- ½ Lt di brodo di mattone
- 1 Cucchiaio di Concentrato di Pomodoro della ditta “Fiatone”
- 6 Alici "qualla qualla"
- Sale, Pepe e Peperoncino a piacere
* various fish mixed in the sense, heads of mixed fish, which is not 'a kind of fish, but many .... Really!)
laid, now we eat ... and good!
In times of crisis and 'a perfect dish, inexpensive and a blow of life instead of the usual bread and onions. Famous fish soup like the most 'famous soups and fish soup, born avoids taking its name from chiolle rowers, boat-shaped nut shell, typical for foreach Miser Sea coast and all the maritime province of Guise Lantana .
Chiollaro, fishing Sea Miser, often returned home empty-handed, and the only thing he could afford were the heads of discarded fish to fish markets. Since
and 'a recipe request on time, we begin our preparation the night before carefully the various stages; and then we'll start making a nice pot with boiling water to prepare stock brick. Salt well and add the Sedano of Prussia if you like, taste and cautious cat, alloppa language, ennobles the heart and helps in gastrointeriti trailer.
When the water boils, put in a nice brick, cover with lid and turn the heat leaving well well boil for at least 6-8 hours. You can use any tipo di mattone, il mattone pieno, il foratone, la tavella, la pianella, la mezzina, il quadruccio, la cartella; per quelli alle prime armi consiglio di usare tutti i tipi mattoni forati, piu’ semplici da cuocere e con cotture decisamente piu’ brevi. Il mattone pieno e’ duro, grave e richiede perizia nella scelta, un po’ come il cocomero, lo si batte per carpirne il suono, la vita vissuta e i traumi del costruito, gli stress a tensione e l’anima peride del quaternario. Un mattone forato invece ha meno anima e quella ce la dovete mettere voi tra quei fori aperti, usando la sapienza del vostro io, che insieme a mani sapienti, aiutera’ a creare un gusto unico per il brodo. Amate il mattone forato e lui sapra' rewarded with a tasty broth and body.
When the broth boils, begin preparing the fried sittanta Goduria base.
Put oil in a pretty bleak bison pot of 32 cm in diameter from the side, add the cloves of garlic
Mancino, perfect for soups. Make sure it is peeled from a right-handed, and 'important. As you know, if the garlic and left-handed 'peeled from a left-handed, acquires a taste more' elegant, and it does not pack 'with our soup, known for its poor origins. Have a nice list of left-handed people you know and always keep it handy, you never know ... Oil woe comes from residues of the grinding of the olives. Without the oil, in fact, with the remains chopped olive oil is produced grama, little known in the kitchen, good for the tractors.
Add the anchovies "which ones which ones" and the world of sesterces
stink well chopped parsley, and with his stench acidognolo, is well matched to the nature of "poor" of the dish.
Cut the tomatoes into wedges schiopponi, taking care to avoid schioppino the seeds for any kitchen and add to the mixture along with Plato's legendary tomato paste.
Known throughout Italy, the tomato paste of breath, stands out for its flavor and true original, as well as they did the farmers in the mid-nineteenth century, preparing " loaves of dried flesh, between clouds flies, the sun, known as "bread blacks" . Ugenio panting breath told by still life in this custom born in the countryside near Parma, and his bread blacks amounted to concentrate with the best tomatoes and flies the industry. There 's some say still has the original bread blacks proud to show that a few close friends.
Added the tomatoes, let boil for ten minutes then add salt, pepper, chili pepper to taste and add the heads of the fish without washing them!: Believe me, slag, dirt 'and troiai different, that will return the original rustic amateur typically chiollaro.
At this point the broth should be filtered through a strainer 38, making sure that the debris of brick not end up in soup. Aggiungetelo alla zuppa creando la consistenza desiderata, tappate la pentola e fate bollire a fuoco medio per un ora ascoltando "Quella carezza della sera" dei New Trolls, inno di liberta' dei Chiollari.
Servire caldo con crostoni a parte, lo consiglio accompagnato con un Rosso Frustone del 2004.
Se avete ancra fame, beh, andate a prendervi il mattone...