Monday, December 28, 2009

Latin Phrases And Congratulations

La Legge di Murphy è un insieme di detti popolari nella cultura occidentale, a carattere ironico e caricaturale. Si possono idealmente riassumere nel primo assioma, che è in realtà la legge di Murphy vera e propria, che ha dato il titolo a tutto il pensieromurphologico:

"If something can go wrong, will. "


Murphy uttered his historic words:

" if there are two or more ways to make a thing, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it that way. "

An example of the domestic reality is:

" The probability that a slice of buttered bread falls butter on the side down on a new carpet is proportional to the value of that carpet. "The best thing


A reformulation in terms of its pseudo-buttered cat paradox is:

" If it is true that a slice of bread always falls buttered side and a cat always falls on his feet, dropping a cat with a slice of bread on his back either of the first ever to fall and you will have perpetual motion.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Logim Katesplayground

Snow in La Spezia

Between yesterday afternoon and tonight it came pretty!
traffic into chaos for a few inches of snow!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ohio Drivers License Late Fee

We are approaching Christmas with the hardworking and legendary Panettone Christmas Speck and Lupini , I would recommend a nice bream baked with Bagigi Wigeon.
Serves 2 beautiful little person:
- a bream of about 500g
- Needle and thread
- 200gr Bagigi Misti
- Olio di oliva
- 1 Pompa da Canotto
- 1 Kg di Sale Grosso
- Rosmarino
- Aglio Mundi (rara perla culinaria)
- 1 Trombetta da stadio
- 1 Tappo di sughero
- Sale, Pepe e figli maschi

Non c'è cosa più bella che riunirsi a tavola per le cene delle feste, amici, parenti, tutti mangianti e satolli. Ancor di più quando la soddisfazione culinaria rinfranca even the festive spirit and we become like before you see a nice partiton.
Wigeon sea bream is a perfect recipe for these occasions, newly discovered, it must be the creation to the mythical Giorgione Rabben called "waving ", host, cook the famous visionary Ristorante L'Ancora of Rain Musalla (GT). Giorgione is a Goliarda kitchen, quarrelsome and rampant discoverer of unusual combinations, has a reputation for abusive, especially in the kitchen, his nickname, waving, when in fact it should be good rocked the Piantini Egidio, sous de L'Ancora, for boiled pork rinds alone without the beans ... and what havoc ...
The merit of his recipe and the End of World Cup USA '94.
It is said that everything is created to honor the eventual victory of Italy at the World Cup with a special recipe, festive, giving life to a dish unique.
Given the outcome of the game (with the rigors of the various wrong Baggio and Donadoni ...) it says that the recipe takes too bad .... but as said in his Ciambotti Song of Marzoli : "a full stomach is better .. yawn."
Let's do the time.
Take a nice bream, cleaned, scaled, gutted and deprived of the piston. Except you do a chopped rosemary and garlic Mundi.
Garlic Mundi is a recent creation of modern genetics. Starting in fact from 'Garlic Sordo (see Handbook of To ) scientists have created an extreme garlic flavor, one of the delights to Noah's Ark if the world ended today (hence the name Garlic Mundi) .
Sprinkle the measure did nothing of the unaware bream skin, put some good in and open it ready to receive Bagigi.
I Bagigi

I Bagigi, (i toscani Giapponi ) arrivarono in Europa e più precisamente in Italia ai tempi del buon Marco Polo e dei suoi viaggi in Estremo Oriente. Si narra infatti che tra gli accompagnatori dell'esploratore veneziano si fosse aggiunto Faustino Padovan di Chioggia detto "Cioccorì" per la sua pelle scura e la faccia butterata a chicco di riso. Figlio di pescatori d'acque chete, Ciccorì, passò alle cronache per aver portato in Italia mezza stiva colma di Bagigi invece di spezie e ori come tutti i suoi compagni di venture. Fu scorticato in piazza a Chioggia per la festa del patrono, e per l'occasione si suonarono anche le campane.
Come you all know the Bagigi are females and males, three are males, two females, those individuals are those abortions (or abortini). The abortini are the tastiest, and between males and females Bagigi there are also those bitter, these freghini.

For our recipe we will use them mixed, so as not to create ambiosi doubt. drug has very good sea bream, we will begin to fill with paying attention to mending the Bagigi ammodino cutting and making sure that the contents are well packed inside. At this point, is covered with salt, leaving the little mouth open Monticino out, and inflate her going well with the pump boat.

Tappiamo quindi la bocca dell' ignara con il fischione precedentemente otturato col tappo, facendo attenzione che l'aria non esca. Appena fatto tutto la mettiamo in forno ben caldo per trenta minuti a rigor di pino.

Appena sfornata, piazzatevi di volata di fronte all'evento sportivo di turno, o di fronte all'alberuccio di Natale se lo preferite, togliete il tappo dal fischione e...UALLAHHHH...Scoppi e fischi da stadio con bagigi volanti tipo curva sud ad accompagnare un seratone da paura!!

Auguratevi soltanto che sia un evento piacevole, visto che lo maledirete per tutta la settimana, raccogliendo sale e bagigi fin sopra i muri... Accompagnatelo con un buon bianco fresco, Erbate, a type of Pianullo Cantani 2007, the year is wonderful for that Pianullo to Sing.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why Do We Have The Phonetic Alphabet

IVO, THE radicchio
Glorious chicory high cultural and historical interest, hides legends and secrets of the Veneto, when the Huns, coming back from Salgari they stopped to rest at Treviso in a convent voiceless.
There, strange monks spoke to the birds, who, unaware portavono a gift from seeds.
It is said that his bitter-sweet is the result of a careful balancing of the crop in rows. The mother plants, in fact, planted in filari ottesimi pari e dispari, sviluppano sapori diversi: i nati in filari pari danno l'acidulo amarognolo, i nati in quelli dispari, il dolciastro iodelbino proprio delle cicorie.
Dalla combustione dei due si alluppan regi gli artigli rossi del tardivo, che ignaro di tutto, sta, come il Mitico Ivo il Tardivo, ad aspettar primizie, solo, tra foglie morte intorno.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Can I Do For Spondylosis In My Dog

program to generate random passwords

Here is a simple program to generate random passwords done in java by me!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Is A Master Combination To All Word Locks

A warm goodbye to Mike

A big salute to the great Mike, who died at the age of 85 years.
We'll miss you.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Current Price Of Cattle Per Pound


Capitolo I: Gli Arbori
The Sauces are now also part of our traditional Italian cuisine par excellence, not just ketchup, mayonnaise and Linetti then, but a real range of flavor enhancers, icings and creams Schioppa for bland foods that help us in the kitchen by adding VATO impasse touch to every dish. Sauces, from the greek Salxus " smear" is different from untingoli, from sauces, baking or funds butrioli, just for the name. I think there is no need to dwell on the list of a thousand sauces available in stores, would be superfluous and useless, then your low-level culinary culture would not move a hair ... I think it's more 'right for me to introduce you by degrees and, like Charon, to the knowledge of the historical pinastiche sauce and its evolution over the centuries up to today to being an integral part of every kitchen. The first real understanding as sauce accompanying the dish was born in Egypt, the famous Uellallha 'Hama' . Known initially as embalming ointment, the Uellallha 'Hama', soon became goodies and relish for the delicacies of Pharaonic feasts, where the typical Egyptian dishes such as Schioppo Matrido of Osiris, the Falafel Bertugio of Oil-Lalla, or Couscous of the Piollana Nifrino, were accompanied with the sauce, made with a mixture of fat and Frullani dill, a herb vieste verotustra growing hardship in the desert.

Massaia Egyptian offering Salsa Uellallha 'Hama' Pharaoh

The Uellallha 'Hama', was born as well as the popular stuffed pasta Mash the Nile, or Umhotone , motos composed of Nile silt, grass and seaweed Frullani Pillone (also used by Vanna Marchi and passed off as an elixir of ringivanimento skin) used as a sealant over bandages during the embalming. Brown color, the Uellallha 'Hama' and 'nowadays accompanying sauce in many dishes Ossiche Flanders (region of small intestine Scandinavia) especially those based Gondra, it is also inspired the hungry Swedish sauce Ikea meatballs, again based on grass Frullani (but Loppia) typical of Scandinavia and Swedish pine, the main ingredient of local cuisine.
Even the Phoenicians, a people of navigators of the Mediterranean, we began creating their mythical salt, red (red means Phoenician in Phoenician) was born from the mingling of salt and salt molasses Pitornio Grave (alas now extinct ancestor of the common Robin ) which gave the reddish tone to the mix. He then added that it helped the animal fat spreadability '. Excellent as a sauce for food storage during the long sea voyages, it is said that Ulysses, carries it with him everywhere to see how it was crazy ... The Red Rooms Phoenician and 'become over the centuries the base for sauces more 'complex in Mesopotamia as the Massoppia of Babylon and the legendary Pesto Trillone Euphrates, a rare fish from the flat nose whistle, used as the basis for this sauce is typical of this area.

Trillone Euphrates Fish
Trillone and the mixture of salt, created this unique pasta with stink esiduo that gave solace to the soul of the vigorous and cured Sbrocca at the foot of the lupins and the onset of warts.
Salt has helped many people in the development of local sauces.
In Vietnam, the exchange salt along with rice, was at the center of all activity 'trade, and formed the basis of the famous Grumaglia Mota Vietnamese shrimp.

Grumaglia the shrimp Mota

The shrimp paste is made looking for these prawns in particular wetlands, which were then sun-dried and mixed with spices and elongated astonished with sesame oil.

To stay in the Asian region from the province of winged Pinchion, at the foot of the Great Wall of China under the part of a local nomadic ppolazione produced the ITIA Chiong Xiu, soy sauce, garlic and daikon (like pumpkin our pumpkin Montorsole). Tale salsa si dice vosse usata anche come unguento curante della peste. Ottima sui carpacci di leporino. Nell'area europea, nota fin dall'antichita' (se ne trovano gia' tracce negli Scritti Ognostici del Bigolli), di gran uso era tra le altre anche la Mosciarella ( conosciuta anche come U'Pasticcu o Boriona Lattea ), prodotto dall'acume dei pastori sardi che lasciarono mangiare alle mucche formaggi di capra creando cosi un aborto di formaggio di capra e latte di mucca.

La Mosciarella
Per intenditori, ottima per marinature acidule e se you want to offend someone.
In this first chapter we've explored the basics saline (salt, silt and mud) to the all'acidulo Mosciarella. These tastes have begun the sauce as we know them today.
The first attempt at such Mayonnaise was born with the improper use of egg and lemon in an attempt to create a drink disgusting to vomit after meals to help lustful. The writings of the Sun King extolled the intoxicating.
In the next chapter we will deal, inter alia, the implications of the sauce inside the company 'modern and recalls the seantici pitognomi.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Healthy Eating Slogans

holiday! New news about facebook

From Saturday I'm going on vacation for over a month and do not update this blog! see you soon and happy holidays to all!!

Humourous Cover Letter

From Friday Facebook users will use the photos in the banner ads that appear on the profiles of their friends .
E 'legal because the expected conditions of use accepted by the membership.
Here's the procedure to avoid :

go to

-> Settings -> Privacy Settings -> News Feed and Wall -> Advertisement Facebook -> presence in Facebook Ads: Set the value to "None"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Us Military Salute Foot Movement

Dedicated to anyone who wants to explore Tuscany, a site really interesting and full of info and tips!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Does A Virus Cause A Crick In The Neck?

last star trek convention

Here you are some pictures of the last convention (STIC) star trek held in Bellaria who have been there!

you soon!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kates Playground Sets Blog

Lunghissima inattività

to various commitments and lack of time I have left this blog, but will begin again in some interesting articles to publish! Meanwhile

settle for these: Are you afraid

swine flu? Okay, this article DiPaolo Attivissimo can find some useful information:

Finally, as some of you know, the new Star Trek movie will be released in Italy on 8 magio: ENJOY!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Average Muscle Percentage

Zuppetta di teste di pesce del Chiollaro


- 1Kg di Teste di pesce vario*
- 5 Spicchi di Aglio Mancino (spelato da un destroso)
- 1 mazzetto di Prezzemolo Puzzino
- ½ Bottiglia di Olio gramo
- ½ Sedano di Prussia
- 3 Pomodori schiopponi
- ½ Lt di brodo di mattone
- 1 Cucchiaio di Concentrato di Pomodoro della ditta “Fiatone”
- 6 Alici "qualla qualla"
- Sale, Pepe e Peperoncino a piacere

* various fish mixed in the sense, heads of mixed fish, which is not 'a kind of fish, but many .... Really!)

laid, now we eat ... and good!
In times of crisis and 'a perfect dish, inexpensive and a blow of life instead of the usual bread and onions. Famous fish soup like the most 'famous soups and fish soup, born avoids taking its name from chiolle rowers, boat-shaped nut shell, typical for foreach Miser Sea coast and all the maritime province of Guise Lantana .


Chiollaro, fishing Sea Miser, often returned home empty-handed, and the only thing he could afford were the heads of discarded fish to fish markets. Since
and 'a recipe request on time, we begin our preparation the night before carefully the various stages; and then we'll start making a nice pot with boiling water to prepare stock brick. Salt well and add the Sedano of Prussia if you like, taste and cautious cat, alloppa language, ennobles the heart and helps in gastrointeriti trailer.
When the water boils, put in a nice brick, cover with lid and turn the heat leaving well well boil for at least 6-8 hours. You can use any tipo di mattone, il mattone pieno, il foratone, la tavella, la pianella, la mezzina, il quadruccio, la cartella; per quelli alle prime armi consiglio di usare tutti i tipi mattoni forati, piu’ semplici da cuocere e con cotture decisamente piu’ brevi. Il mattone pieno e’ duro, grave e richiede perizia nella scelta, un po’ come il cocomero, lo si batte per carpirne il suono, la vita vissuta e i traumi del costruito, gli stress a tensione e l’anima peride del quaternario. Un mattone forato invece ha meno anima e quella ce la dovete mettere voi tra quei fori aperti, usando la sapienza del vostro io, che insieme a mani sapienti, aiutera’ a creare un gusto unico per il brodo. Amate il mattone forato e lui sapra' rewarded with a tasty broth and body.
When the broth boils, begin preparing the fried sittanta Goduria base.
Put oil in a pretty bleak bison pot of 32 cm in diameter from the side, add the cloves of garlic Mancino, perfect for soups. Make sure it is peeled from a right-handed, and 'important. As you know, if the garlic and left-handed 'peeled from a left-handed, acquires a taste more' elegant, and it does not pack 'with our soup, known for its poor origins. Have a nice list of left-handed people you know and always keep it handy, you never know ... Oil woe comes from residues of the grinding of the olives. Without the oil, in fact, with the remains chopped olive oil is produced grama, little known in the kitchen, good for the tractors.
Add the anchovies "which ones which ones" and the world of sesterces stink well chopped parsley, and with his stench acidognolo, is well matched to the nature of "poor" of the dish.
Cut the tomatoes into wedges schiopponi, taking care to avoid schioppino the seeds for any kitchen and add to the mixture along with Plato's legendary tomato paste.
Known throughout Italy, the tomato paste of breath, stands out for its flavor and true original, as well as they did the farmers in the mid-nineteenth century, preparing " loaves of dried flesh, between clouds flies, the sun, known as "bread blacks" . Ugenio panting breath told by still life in this custom born in the countryside near Parma, and his bread blacks amounted to concentrate with the best tomatoes and flies the industry. There 's some say still has the original bread blacks proud to show that a few close friends.
Added the tomatoes, let boil for ten minutes then add salt, pepper, chili pepper to taste and add the heads of the fish without washing them!: Believe me, slag, dirt 'and troiai different, that will return the original rustic amateur typically chiollaro.
At this point the broth should be filtered through a strainer 38, making sure that the debris of brick not end up in soup. Aggiungetelo alla zuppa creando la consistenza desiderata, tappate la pentola e fate bollire a fuoco medio per un ora ascoltando "Quella carezza della sera" dei New Trolls, inno di liberta' dei Chiollari.
Servire caldo con crostoni a parte, lo consiglio accompagnato con un Rosso Frustone del 2004.
Se avete ancra fame, beh, andate a prendervi il mattone...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Xp Security Center Showing Incorrect Av

La Crisi Economica e la Cucina
Riflessioni sul risparmio alimentare in tempo di crisi.
Non che se ne sentisse il bisogno, visto il bombardamento mediatico, ma penso it is important to remember that we are in CRISIS!
The air of crisis can be felt everywhere, even in the kitchen, and as the smell of burnt lentils, dulls the appetite and diverts the culinary habits of us all. If they hear of all colors, pessimism is rampant, everyone is good to know say that the crisis but no one has the recipe for salvation.
Meanwhile as you survive? How can one reconcile the habits of us philistines spoiled little quirks and sacrifice, with the lean times that lie ahead?
And then: How long '' is the crisis?
E 'temporary oe' a straightening of prospects that are pertrarra 'time?
I mean we could still afford to peel the apples or should we do as Pinocchio and restart from the top of the wardrobe?
We can ask ourselves a salad of radicchio in Palermo, or should we opt for locally grown vegetables, given the rise in prices?
We still eat roasts of Cinta Senese and alas we should 'choose the chops in oil?
We could afford caviar beluga or shall we sacrifice ourselves for the eggs of chub?
In uncertain times, you pull the strap and Serbian Easter .
atartici Among the doubts and certainties of a few of many a single chorus, will not be 'more' as it once was .... Never again '... The crisis has burned hairs c.. Oe will hear the stink for a long time'....
How does it save time? Who we trust? Well, our grandparents during the war have seen worse, and the lesson we could serve, but our ability to adapt, too spoiled by the well-being, pain leads us to sacrifice.
So in lean times, it seems that fat cows learn to tighten their belts, but there you see a family with lots of modern mobile phone and all beautiful hair, tie a herring with wire over the dining table and take turns rubbing a slice of bread to flavor it?
There will be 'a reversal of habits, that's what happens'. Scenes from fear, where the good Count Mascetti and partake in his comparison will be compared to King Midas and the Roman Orgy.
You return 'back to the lean times when you will eat real' chicken, you will use 'all!
You Spenner 'for us the pillows on the living room bono, and after having cooked and eaten understand that with a chicken feed him at least 6 people for 3 days (including contour ...). Sucking greedily bones worse than those of Generation Chicken Wing.
On Sunday evening, reminding us of how good the lollipop kids when we had the soup with the bones on Monday .... so as not to throw anything away.
will help us' to build self-esteem and remind us how great it is to return home after work and find a hot meal waiting for us. Cotti and satisfied for the dinner, chop the chicken bones so eagerly as to make spices to flavor sauces for other delights savings. Let's see
positive, as the God of Arcore ....
Armed good Sixth Caio Baccelli and following the phases of the moon, we're going to field mushrooms and herbs, convincedoci that the return to nature and 'good for everyone.
We give to agriculture, fishing, hunting animals, attack the coach ... so we roll up our sleeves to feed us instead of going in supermarkets so damn impersonal.
Think about it, but we're really in crisis?
rediscover the glories of ancient tastes, we will return to the origins, we will use the insoles of shoes to flavor the beans instead of pork rinds, divide your bread with the hungry, so we'll be hungry in half. We will be lean, slim, without the need for fitness and sport, we should not pay for liposuction cellulite, 'cause anchovies in six months we will be ready for the sea ...
But in the end, who should thank you for all 'is luck?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Letter Of Community Service For The Court?

Attenzione, truppa PayPal - aggiornato dopo la pubblicazione iniziale

not give your money to strangers!
Introducing yet another troop that asks you to enter your PayPal login information and I care about them:

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How to understand that this is a scam?
First, there are several spelling errors and syntax also does not specify any names, saying only: friendly, ...
And then I do not think that paypal send this email ...

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