Thursday, August 12, 2010

Balsamic Vinegar Bladder Infection

dell'allunaggio Reconstruction of live television - with a prostitute should be updated

Have you followed the live RAI dell'allunaggio on the moon in 1968? Or are you too young?

If you followed the direct surely you remember the famous spat between Orlando and tin which covered almost the audio of the astronauts and announce in advance the landing!

If you would enjoy the article by Paul Attivissimo about it!


Here's the video of the reconstruction of the Live!

Moreover, thanks to a reader also adds a few pages of the newspapers of the time!

The headlines in L'Unita ' from July 15, 1969:

July 15 -
Adjust the flight of the Soviet station. Tomorrow off to the mission of Apollo 11.
(The station was the Soviet Luna 15 "outlet to control" Apollo 11 ")

July 16 - will have
In a few hours 'start the most' extraordinary human adventure.
Moon Mission 15:32 hours off.

July 17 -
E 'started yesterday at 15.32 the most' extraordinary space adventure that will end '

with the landing of the first man on the Moon. The three

to the Moon July 18 -
The three are in the middle 'path. The Earth photographed by 100,000 km

July 19 - The Apollo
approaches the historic meeting.
Moon rotates at 15 100 km from the satellite.

July 21 -

ARE ON THE MOON (edition of July 21 there are several inside pages devoted
event. It is worth to read everything).

Here all pages for download!

License To Drive A Horse Trailer

virtual in Second Life: The wife files for divorce

Second Life users can interact and form relationships with other players' avatars. The new frontier of information technology brings us to this?

Some time ago, a British couple got divorced because of Second Life, an online game in which you can create a real e propria vita virtuale.

Ecco come andarono le cose secondo la CNN:

"Amy Taylor, 28, said she had caught husband David Pollard, 40, having sex with an animated woman. The couple, who met in an Internet chatroom in 2003, are now separated."
Amy Taylor, 28 anni, ha sorpreso il marito David Pollard, 40 anni, mentre faceva sesso con una "donna animata". La coppia, che si era conosciuta in una chat su internet nel 2003, adesso si è separata.

Il marito ammise di aver conosciuto questa donna, ma a sua discolpa disse che si trattava semplicemente di un'amicizia:

Pollard admitted having an online relationship with a "girl in America "but denied wrongdoing." We Were not even HAVING cyber sex or anything Like That, We Were Just chatting and hanging out together, "
Pollard admitted that he had an online relationship with a woman in America, but refused to let us acts unlawful. "We have never had sex-virtual or anything like that, we were just chatting and just went out together."

We will bring our technology this? Being jealous of a game on the internet?
not is the first time that Second Life gets under the floodlights.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jc Penney Salon Price List

Install Mac OS X on a normal pc

E 'can install Mac OS X on a normal pc?

The article was changed after the initial publication

Want to try the mac world but unsure if he'll be able to use it?
Here is a simple guide on how to do it fast enough.

Before you start you have to remember that it is illegal what they are doing, I'm creating this guide for informational purposes only and I do not assume any responsibility for what you do.

first you must download and install a program to create the virtual machine that will host our Mac.
In this guide I used VirtualBox a program for creating virtual machines free of charge.

Comunque vediamo di cosa abbiamo bisogno:

Che cosa ci serve?

  • VirtualBox
  • Distro di Mac OS detta anche Snow Leopard Client Server 10.6.2 SSE2 SSE3 by Hazard
  • Processore Intel/AMD che supporta la virtualizzazione hardware
  • 1-2 GB RAM
  • 10 GB Spazio libero


  • Come prima cosa dopo aver installato virtual box, avviamolo e facciamo clic su Nuova per creare nuova macchina virtuale.
  • Seguiamo la procedura guidata, impostando Mac OS X come sistema operativo, OSX come nome e una RAM da almeno 1024 MB.
  • Create un nuovo Hard Disk, da Almeno20 GB.
  • Now select the newly created virtual machine and click Settings, and go to System to uncheck Enable EFI.
  • Now go to the Store and click on Empty OSX.vdi below and then click the folder with the green arrow and click Add to select the ISO OSx86 by Hazzard, who obviously already have.
  • Start the virtual machine and press F8 to enter the terminal and then gigitare-v, so you can see if something went wrong.
    If everything is OK, start the installation process.
    If you can not move the mouse to make deductions Ctrl-+ I.
  • Come in Disk Utility in the Utilities menu, and click su Erase e poi sul pulsante Erase (selezionando i 20 GB creati precedentemente, cosi formatteremo l’hard disk della macchina virtuale per renderlo compatibile col nuoso OS)

Nella nuova finestra cliccate su Customize con le seguenti impostazioni:

Utenti amd
  • Tutti gli aggiornamenti presenti in alto
  • Il Legacy kernel fra i kernel
  • L’opzione AMD da System support
utenti intel
  • Tutti gli aggiornamenti presenti in alto
  • Il nuovo Chameleon dai bootloaders
  • Il Legacy kernel fra i kernel

Ora clicchiamo su Done per finire everything and wait for the completion of the installation.
When finished, unmount the ISO from the virtual machine OS.

For now, the guide stops here, but as soon as I get time I'll post more details to resolve any compatibility issues.


The operating system does not seem to be compatible with the following processor: intel Q9400 2.66 GHz so I can not give you more information about it.
If you want more details or have something to say, go ahead!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Short Film Treatment Template

End of the world? True prophecy of the Maya!

The Maya many years ago, predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012, but will be right?

In what however, been right, have predicted the vuvuzela!!

Additional details can be found at the link of the complete article at:
