Have you followed the live RAI dell'allunaggio on the moon in 1968? Or are you too young?
If you followed the direct surely you remember the famous spat between Orlando and tin which covered almost the audio of the astronauts and announce in advance the landing!
If you would enjoy the article by Paul Attivissimo about it!
Here's the video of the reconstruction of the Live!
Moreover, thanks to a reader also adds a few pages of the newspapers of the time!
The headlines in L'Unita ' from July 15, 1969:
July 15 -
Adjust the flight of the Soviet station. Tomorrow off to the mission of Apollo 11.
(The station was the Soviet Luna 15 "outlet to control" Apollo 11 ")
July 16 - will have
In a few hours 'start the most' extraordinary human adventure.
Moon Mission 15:32 hours off.
July 17 -
E 'started yesterday at 15.32 the most' extraordinary space adventure that will end '
with the landing of the first man on the Moon. The three
to the Moon July 18 -
The three are in the middle 'path. The Earth photographed by 100,000 km
July 19 - The Apollo
approaches the historic meeting.
Moon rotates at 15 100 km from the satellite.
July 21 -
ARE ON THE MOON (edition of July 21 there are several inside pages devoted
event. It is worth to read everything).
Here all pages for download!