Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Themes For Smoothie And Crepe

Tweety and palindromes

A palindrome is a word or phrase that read to the contrary does not change, such as:

  • anna
  • not obsessed
  • bone
  • kayak

Even in the cartoon cat Sylvester, however, you can find a nice palindrome phrase:

You know the phrase that says Titti menacing appearance of Sylvester the Cat ("I and 'semblato to see a cat"), in English and 'a nice palindrome: was it a cat I saw?

Cute, no?

But now something more complicated ...

How about this sentence?

the sides, on debut, checkers and kings, anxious Pertini, pull forward candles, dialogue - little voice pipe ... -, Uses the jokes. E'durata! ... I suffered Trap: Allen - Meritas praises text - Juvitalia, never loved her. The roar n'eruppe spun up, a mere act of anger by gay assorga palate, swallow the arena! We laughed, we: tender blue - happiness, networks - and rich! I shall conceal or poses, anger, quick myths cite fears ... But meritan gold. There are rare shots? Both! but the Latin heroes goderono penalty - no foul -, "Fatal to the network" in the loose pomposity paean aire gives easy. But the "fatal" illness expands globes, kidney, discolored veins there: rat, vague, all end to the core (the oblierà? From idea - the Furies! - Trepiderà: tic tac and ...)... Lapsus salient (idra! syllabus!) Did not love Cabrini; flow acre - was pus? Sweat? - Jaundice bile attacked us: rice brutal, bitter ichor ... Fiore Italian, my dear, dry, withered alidirà there, if only - direct to new estuary, physical - to withdraw half: Italy face idea (s revived, known myths hilarious!) Pierce, inert and useless, in Italian lisa, banal. Muffled rage on, run: eternal honors n'avrete! Wheeze - three "fi" - referee: half time ended there, bears the spirit of their struggle, trusted recovery! aims, beer brings back! Muffled anger, bile! You said the "ethereal", Catalonia: the hours of fabulous ... I will keep so large Spring night, like a king! Poets m'illusero ('Go! "," It'! " "Osa!") colla fusione - esile, serica, viva -, rime lepide, tra anelito d’età d’oro e rudezze d’orpello; così cederò all’eros, ai sensi rei; amai - l’amavo... - una grata città, la gag, la vita; nutro famosa cara sete, relativa a Lalo, Varese, De Falla, Petrassi, e Ravel, e Adam, e Nono... Sor... bene, totale opaca arte; né pago fui per attori, dive, divi (lo sarò?)... Là ogni avuto, mai sopito piacere s’evaporò, leggera falena era: se con amor, lì, alla cara - cotale! - virile sera - coi guadi sereni, grevi da dare angine, beati - lo paragono, decàde a ludo, mollica, vile cineseria, onere. Sì! Taccola barocca allora rimane, meno mi tange: solo apatia apporterà, goffa noia... Paride, Ettore e soci trovarono sì dure sorti - riverberare di pira desueta! - coi gelosi re dei Dori (trono era d’ira, Era, Muse); a Ilio nati e no, di elato tono, di rango, là tacitati - re... mogi -, videro Elleni libare, simil a Titani, su al Pergamo: idem i Renani e noi... "...caparbi", vaticinò - tono trepido -, ed ora tange là tale causale trofeo (coppa di rito è la meta della partita), trainer fisso; mìralo come l’anemone: fisso, raro, da elogi... D’animo nobile, divo mai: mai tetro, fatale varò la tattica. Cito Gay, ognor abile devo dir: da Maracanà sono tacco, battuta... Ai lati issò la vela l’ala latina Bruno: cerca la rete, si batte assai, opera lì, fora, rimargina... Bergomi, nauta ragazzo, riserra giù sì care fila: è l’età... Coi gradi vedo - troppa la soavità - capitano Dino, razza ladina. Rete vigila! dilàtati...!: la turba, l’arena, ti venera. Ad ogni rado, torpido e no, tirabile tiro, trapelà rapidità sua: parò (la tivù, lì, diè nitidi casi). Di tutto - fiero, mai di fatica, vivace - raccatta: e, se tarpate, le ali loro - è la verità - paion logore. Zoff (ùtinam!) è dei... Parà: para... Piede, mani, tuffo: zero gol, noi a patire. Vale oro: lì, là... è age ... "Prato, attack! Item liveliness", "trust", "Rei fucked Deacidified !"... In floods, sometimes pauses, words give birth there, or proto baritone, from ring or arenas ("Life Beyond black, brutality such loyal veterans, from ... beggars!", "Donated! Is calm '! Dare! : the contribution you have to give "," Play fair, fertile "," On the Withers "," Rozza race! "," You mind "," Grèbani! Grami "," Rare row! " Then: "Assaetta", "Bis!" and "Ter"), brisk, with urbanity, the alal levossi: "Italy", a full mouth, roared. Sana dear Madrid, where Goya delibaron ... Gothic city \u200b\u200b... sometimes veiled: strong we love you! We deliberate the appointment of a striker Rossi - phenomenal! -: Mo, there, artfully removed brakes (including balls dates wrong or worthless is strong throws his helmet wood), Rode, od'ipertono, tone, vibrate. Pacione inane, remedies lean plaudits - born as such - in the miserable hours of Vigo (meritàti!); Catalonia total laughing fit - we there to exhume, to restore honor - shot gave rice, use the play - by steep, rare, short , loth, rude - are swirling hours and routes, they seem to drown ed'ira (too much?). Aita, Paul!: Stroke, leads the helm, aims, Rolla, Accor, toys peaceful, Aire - Nice if they faltered - and modulates dà (cedono...): gara polita e benigna - e rada, di vergine residua... - gioca. Re s’è lì rivelato (Caracalla? Il romano Cesare!): anela, fa, regge loro, pavese reca...: ipotiposi amo. Tu va’ in goal, ora! Sol, ivi, devi dirottare più foga: penetra a capo elato - tenebroso non è... - ma da elevare, issar te, palla, fede, sera (vola, là) a vitale rete! Sarà caso... Ma Fortuna ti valga galattica targa, nuova malìa: mai Eris ne sia sorella! Or è deciso: colle prodezze, dure e rodate doti - lena, arte di Pelè, mira -, vivaci rese lì sé e noi: su fallo (caso a favore sul limite, opera dell’ometto nero) è solo, va filato, corre, tira, palla angolata cala... è rete! Essi di sale, l’Iberia tutta a dir "Arriba!", rimaser. Pirata? Di fatto li domina... Loro lacerati tra patemi; Latini forti, braidi, fertili, bis e ter van, ìrono in rete... E terrò cari a vita: le reti; tutta l’anabasi latina; i Latini, a nave e treni, a ressa partiti (mìrali!); i toni vivi, derisivi, d’aedi alati; le tede cerate ("Mai sì fitte" ridevo: unico falò s’esalò, tizzi vari di là accesi); e i miracolati eroi, feroci... Oramai la turba si rilassa: i coretti deliberò d’usare. Supercaos sul finir! Baciamano? No: balli sardi, etnei lassù (spalcate!); citaredi per tinnire, là, and "the" give and the Bolero, clarinets, fado, gavotte, flares, flashlights (Nice is something revered) there. Bolgiano, interest, honeydew hungry "feria" is full anodyne, and little 'bit' surpasses the ether the breathless crowd. They did laps of honor: Doges O king, in Italy, never retreated was crowned. Hesitation, Peru, aporetic timid opinions ... and drowsiness, repeated bolts, Chile, to ruzza: to heal because there is every Italian scourge, from large to small or remote, there was, albeit unknown, forgotten. Never loved the TV: jet-set, idols, satire ... but in the game - penata, rude and everything nice: err? - We kidnapped: panic vague, lai of locco, mild hilarity Pertini ... three pears in Madrid, Italy rosy!

What's so funny?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Temporary License Buy Alcohol

Moon, we have never gone? The imaginary Media

We are in 1969, namely July 20, is Sunday.
We just finished eating, we are going to turn on the television to watch the event that a long time since we were waiting for: the landing on the moon!
Finally at 22:17 Italian time we arrived, it was just made the moon landing.
Neil Armstrong falls first on the moon (ore4: 57, July 21), quickly followed by Buzz Aldrin. Michael Collins, however, will remain in orbit waiting for them.

Now some of you have seen this event to children, other adults have been and several of them have only heard about.
But a good part of you, however, do not believe or have doubts only because it was impossible to go into space with the technology of the time.

The purpose of this article is to explain as briefly as possible what really happened on the moon in 1969.

There are people who absolutely do not believe that man has ever been to the moon, indeed accuse all the photos, hours of video footage, materials from the lunar soil are all false.
These people were defined lunacomplottisti.

There are four fundamental tenets:

  • We never went
  • We andati, ma il primo sbarco fu falsificato
  • Ci siamo andati, ma le foto furono falsificate
  • Ci siamo andati, ma abbiamo trovato gli alieni

Il primo caso è molto semplice, non siamo mai stati sulla luna e tutti i materiali provenienti e derivanti da essa sono falsi.
Il secondo caso prevede che si, ci siamo andati, ma in una delle missioni successive e non durante l'apollo 11.
Il terzo caso, invece, prevede che ci siamo andati, ma lo sbalzo di temperatura o le radiazioni cosmiche non hanno permesso di fotografare lo sbarco e quindi le foto sono false.
L'ultimo caso prevede che ci siamo si andati, ma la luna era già occupata e per questo motivo non ci siamo più tornati.
you wonder why we have not gone? Very simple, it's too expensive, too risky and there is more interest.
During the 60's were during the Cold War and we had to demonstrate the power of the two countries.

Interested in the topic? Really want to find out how we went to the moon? What technologies we use?
But above all, you want to discover the truth about all movies, all the photos from the moon and then checked out with and tangible evidence that we actually andatti?

So you do not need nothing more than read the book: "Luna? Yes we went there!" Paul Attivissimo.

To find all the evidence speak landing on the moon, you can go here:

Much of the information in this article come From: "Luna? Yes we went there!" of Paul Attivissimo ISBN 978-0-557-46645-0

The book is freely downloadable or browsable here.

If you prefer the paper version you can find:

Feltrinelli bookstores in the near future, 40 €.
astronomy at the exhibition "Cosmic" in Castagnola (Lugano, until June 18, 2010)