Monday, December 28, 2009

Latin Phrases And Congratulations

La Legge di Murphy è un insieme di detti popolari nella cultura occidentale, a carattere ironico e caricaturale. Si possono idealmente riassumere nel primo assioma, che è in realtà la legge di Murphy vera e propria, che ha dato il titolo a tutto il pensieromurphologico:

"If something can go wrong, will. "


Murphy uttered his historic words:

" if there are two or more ways to make a thing, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it that way. "

An example of the domestic reality is:

" The probability that a slice of buttered bread falls butter on the side down on a new carpet is proportional to the value of that carpet. "The best thing


A reformulation in terms of its pseudo-buttered cat paradox is:

" If it is true that a slice of bread always falls buttered side and a cat always falls on his feet, dropping a cat with a slice of bread on his back either of the first ever to fall and you will have perpetual motion.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Logim Katesplayground

Snow in La Spezia

Between yesterday afternoon and tonight it came pretty!
traffic into chaos for a few inches of snow!