Saturday, August 22, 2009

Current Price Of Cattle Per Pound


Capitolo I: Gli Arbori
The Sauces are now also part of our traditional Italian cuisine par excellence, not just ketchup, mayonnaise and Linetti then, but a real range of flavor enhancers, icings and creams Schioppa for bland foods that help us in the kitchen by adding VATO impasse touch to every dish. Sauces, from the greek Salxus " smear" is different from untingoli, from sauces, baking or funds butrioli, just for the name. I think there is no need to dwell on the list of a thousand sauces available in stores, would be superfluous and useless, then your low-level culinary culture would not move a hair ... I think it's more 'right for me to introduce you by degrees and, like Charon, to the knowledge of the historical pinastiche sauce and its evolution over the centuries up to today to being an integral part of every kitchen. The first real understanding as sauce accompanying the dish was born in Egypt, the famous Uellallha 'Hama' . Known initially as embalming ointment, the Uellallha 'Hama', soon became goodies and relish for the delicacies of Pharaonic feasts, where the typical Egyptian dishes such as Schioppo Matrido of Osiris, the Falafel Bertugio of Oil-Lalla, or Couscous of the Piollana Nifrino, were accompanied with the sauce, made with a mixture of fat and Frullani dill, a herb vieste verotustra growing hardship in the desert.

Massaia Egyptian offering Salsa Uellallha 'Hama' Pharaoh

The Uellallha 'Hama', was born as well as the popular stuffed pasta Mash the Nile, or Umhotone , motos composed of Nile silt, grass and seaweed Frullani Pillone (also used by Vanna Marchi and passed off as an elixir of ringivanimento skin) used as a sealant over bandages during the embalming. Brown color, the Uellallha 'Hama' and 'nowadays accompanying sauce in many dishes Ossiche Flanders (region of small intestine Scandinavia) especially those based Gondra, it is also inspired the hungry Swedish sauce Ikea meatballs, again based on grass Frullani (but Loppia) typical of Scandinavia and Swedish pine, the main ingredient of local cuisine.
Even the Phoenicians, a people of navigators of the Mediterranean, we began creating their mythical salt, red (red means Phoenician in Phoenician) was born from the mingling of salt and salt molasses Pitornio Grave (alas now extinct ancestor of the common Robin ) which gave the reddish tone to the mix. He then added that it helped the animal fat spreadability '. Excellent as a sauce for food storage during the long sea voyages, it is said that Ulysses, carries it with him everywhere to see how it was crazy ... The Red Rooms Phoenician and 'become over the centuries the base for sauces more 'complex in Mesopotamia as the Massoppia of Babylon and the legendary Pesto Trillone Euphrates, a rare fish from the flat nose whistle, used as the basis for this sauce is typical of this area.

Trillone Euphrates Fish
Trillone and the mixture of salt, created this unique pasta with stink esiduo that gave solace to the soul of the vigorous and cured Sbrocca at the foot of the lupins and the onset of warts.
Salt has helped many people in the development of local sauces.
In Vietnam, the exchange salt along with rice, was at the center of all activity 'trade, and formed the basis of the famous Grumaglia Mota Vietnamese shrimp.

Grumaglia the shrimp Mota

The shrimp paste is made looking for these prawns in particular wetlands, which were then sun-dried and mixed with spices and elongated astonished with sesame oil.

To stay in the Asian region from the province of winged Pinchion, at the foot of the Great Wall of China under the part of a local nomadic ppolazione produced the ITIA Chiong Xiu, soy sauce, garlic and daikon (like pumpkin our pumpkin Montorsole). Tale salsa si dice vosse usata anche come unguento curante della peste. Ottima sui carpacci di leporino. Nell'area europea, nota fin dall'antichita' (se ne trovano gia' tracce negli Scritti Ognostici del Bigolli), di gran uso era tra le altre anche la Mosciarella ( conosciuta anche come U'Pasticcu o Boriona Lattea ), prodotto dall'acume dei pastori sardi che lasciarono mangiare alle mucche formaggi di capra creando cosi un aborto di formaggio di capra e latte di mucca.

La Mosciarella
Per intenditori, ottima per marinature acidule e se you want to offend someone.
In this first chapter we've explored the basics saline (salt, silt and mud) to the all'acidulo Mosciarella. These tastes have begun the sauce as we know them today.
The first attempt at such Mayonnaise was born with the improper use of egg and lemon in an attempt to create a drink disgusting to vomit after meals to help lustful. The writings of the Sun King extolled the intoxicating.
In the next chapter we will deal, inter alia, the implications of the sauce inside the company 'modern and recalls the seantici pitognomi.