Monday, April 23, 2007

Hawaii Oahu Macadamia Nuts

Festival Polenda Dolce
The plates 10/febbraio 2008
also took place this year, coinciding with the carnival one of the parties
that most reminds me of my childhood:
The Rite of Polenda Dolce.
For the occasion, we have been busy all the inhabitants of the country,
as always being able to impress with the flavors of the past,
carnival costumes and some have been able to put in scene,
one for all (without removing anything to nobody here)
Giancarlo Corsini,
portrait live with her rooster lays the golden eggs.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Motorcycle Templates Blogger

Who Wants To Be The Liar 2008?


LIAR The board, created in At the 31 ° Italian Championship of Lies August 5, 2007

Liar honorary 2008, was appointed Andrea Agresti, who entertained the audience with some songs from his CDs.

guest of honor at the event Narciso Paris.

Under the 2008 gold winner of the leaflet Aldo Toccafondi , Prato

Sunday, April 1, 2007

How To Congratulate For Expecting

Le Piastre

Ingresso Al Paese

I Giardini Alle Vecchie Scuole

La Via Modenese

La Via Centrale '' Interna Al Paese ''

La Piazza Della Chiesa

The back of the church and bell tower

The fountain behind the church


the fountain in the Park "plates"

Fontana Vecchia "forro"

Source Pratichele "Botro"

Fontana Campari "plates"

Fountain Bellino

Tre Fontane

Is Dealer Cost Car Audio Legit

Pian Nenni

The Pian Nenni , is a small village that is part of the country The plates , is a little gem of nature, it is embedded within the woods . This series of photos, I was requested by Walter Baldi, born in The plates, but living in Brazil since 1951. Hopefully these photos of have given him and all the emigrants piastres, a nice moment to remember the past.

Contortion School Ohio

Nature walks

This series of photographs, I bring you into one of the trails
beautiful and easy to access and can be found on the plates.
This is the path that goes from the bottom of the country, to the Icebox of the Madonna. In this post you will find no comment on the photos, because
I think it's better to let nature speak.